Dietary Fibre: Why It Is so Important?

 Dietary Fibre: Why It Is so Important?

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Dietary Fibre: Fibre is an essential part of every diet. A majority of the people in the world don’t get enough fibre into their everyday diet. Almost 98% of Americans don’t take the recommended dose of this carbohydrate daily.

What is Fibre?

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that is not digestible by the body. It regulates digestion in the body, controls the feeling of satiety (hunger); also can help with lowering cholesterol levels, keeping blood sugar in check, and hypertension.

Types of Fiber

There are 2 types of fibre:

  1. soluble
  2. and insoluble

Soluble fibre

Soluble fiber is usually found in some fruits like oranges, strawberries, and pears, all oaty things like oatmeal, oat bran and oat cereals, legumes, nuts, and beans, and some vegetables like cucumbers. The Soluble fibre attracts water and dissolves in it and forms a gel in the stomach that keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Insoluble Fiber

The other type of fibre is insoluble fibre and it doesn’t dissolve in the water and helps the food move more quickly through your metabolism. This kind of fibre is usually found in some vegetables like zucchini, broccoli, whole wheat foods like bread and crackers, bulgur, brown rice, and leafy vegetables.

5 Easy Tips To Take More Fiber

So how much fibre do we need in our everyday diet? The daily recommendation is around 23-35 grams per day but most people eat only 15 grams of dietary fibre per day. Here are some tips that can help you take the proper amount of fibre daily:

  1. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
  2. Switch to whole wheat
  3. Eat oatmeal or oat bran in the morning
  4. Use brown rice, bulgur, and couscous as a side dish
  5. Make and eat snacks that contain seeds and nuts
  6. Eat lentils and beans

1. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of dietary fibre; also are a low-calorie food that will keep your digestive health in check. In addition, it gives you all the vitamins and minerals. Smoothies are full of fibre so you can make them daily if you have trouble eating enough fruits and vegetables.

2. Switch to whole wheat

Whole wheat bread and crackers are high-fibre foods that will keep you full for a longer period of time and will aid in weight loss. Unlike white flour bread and crackers that have no nutritional value.

3. Eat oatmeal or oat bran in the morning

Oat bran and oatmeal are the perfect breakfast food because it contains a lot of soluble fibre and a lot of proteins. For a full fibre, boost adds fresh blueberries and walnuts.

4. Use brown rice, bulgur, and couscous as a side dish

Each of these contains a good amount of dietary fibre. Add this to a side to your favorite meat to make a balanced gut-friendly meal.

5. Make and eat snacks that contain seeds and nuts

Make your snacks full of fibre by adding seeds and nuts. You can make bliss balls with almonds and cashews, or add sunflower seeds to a simple salad to increase the dietary fibre.

6. Eat lentils and beans

Try to eat lentils and beans twice a week. Lentils and beans are packed with proteins and fibre and they are known to manage blood sugar and lower cholesterol too.

Also Read: High-Fibre Foods – Essential For A Healthy Diet

Manish Singh

Manish Singh is a digital marketer by profession and have worked in health industry for more than 5 years. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a certified naturopathist, a yoga and meditation practitioner since a long time.

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