Happy Life: Embracing Your Inner Child Is The Secret Of Happy Life

 Happy Life: Embracing Your Inner Child Is The Secret Of Happy Life

Happy Life: Who doesn’t want to live a happy life? Everyone wishes they could live their lives happily and without stress. However, in today’s world, people are frequently stressed or depressed.

What is the most important element of our journey? There is one guaranteed thing in this world, if someone is born, he/she will die one day. The ultimate goal of life is to sustain & increase our and our people’s happiness.

We ask a lot of questions about ourselves, like do we have a good life? Do I have a good job? Do I have a good family? Am I wealthy enough? But we don’t ask the most important question: Am I truly happy?

Stop trying to achieve happiness choose it instead

Have you ever asked, if bringing a smile to your family’s face gives you happiness? Does making a change in anyone’s life give you happiness? Whatever things create happiness, identify them.

Without happiness, all the money, wealth, name or fame doesn’t make any sense.

Do an experiment today. Go to your friend/family member and give a smile, within 5-10 seconds you get a smile in exchange. It is the greatest example of transferring energy to someone else.

“It is said that Beauty increases a hundred times just by smiling. Still, people do not deter from a wry face. Life is a laughing dream, there should be a desire to live in it. Sorrow itself turns into happiness, just have a habit of smiling.”

Each of us has an inner child inside

We are taking things for granted. We get a lot of things, money, name, fame, etc. But we never think, if these things give us true happiness or not. I don’t think we ever take the time to ask this question ourselves.

You only see true happiness in children. It is said that The Greatest Of The Queen Or The Kings Never Allowed The Child Within, To Die. Because, only the child within you celebrated the smallest thing, as it is the greatest thing. Only the child within you is truly capable of sincere happiness. Only the child within you can believe and have faith at an absolute level with no doubt, whether it is Santa Claus or a fairy tale or touching the sky and bringing down the star on earth. Only a child within you will smile for no reason. Only a child within you can say I Love You, just looking at you. Only a child within you will not complain about anything.

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Embrace Your Inner Child For Happy Life

In this hectic time, it is all too easy to become mired in daily work and routine. If we are not spending a significant portion of our day watching television, then we are living a dull and erratic life. It’s easy to forget the joys of life and your inner child in times like these.

The excitement we used to feel before seeing new things or visiting new places has faded, and everything now appears monotonous. That’s why we’ve come up with some simple ways for you to keep your inner child alive.

1. Be Curious

Remember how inquisitive you used to be about everything? Bring your sense of wonder back into your life. Always be eager to learn new things, embark on new adventures, participate in new activities, and travel the world. Be open-minded and willing to try new things.

2. Pursue Your Creative Passions

When you’re caught up in the rat race, it’s easy to neglect your hobbies and interests and to be overly cautious. So go ahead and pursue your interests and let your creative juices flow. The creativity will make you feel like a kid again, providing you with a much-needed break from the monotony of adulthood.

3. Be In The Present Moment

Avoid thinking about the future or the past and instead concentrate on the present. Stop worrying about the consequences of your actions and resist the urge to overthink and complicate things. Learn to live in the present moment.

4. Stop Taking Everything So Seriously

We frequently preach too much and take ourselves a little too seriously. You don’t have to take things so seriously to keep your inner child alive. Instead of scoffing at someone, have fun, laugh a lot, and learn from your mistakes.

The Simplest Activity To Embrace Your Inner Child For A Happy Life

Here is the simplest activity to embrace your inner child.

  • Find a place (a separate room is the best place) where you are alone
  • When no one is near you, do childish acts there like shouting, giggling, screaming or any other act/game which you loved
  • After the activity, close your eyes and remember the old days with a beautiful smile
  • Rub the palms till it becomes warm
  • Keep your eyes closed and put your palms on your face and eyes
  • Open your eyes with a beautiful smile

It has been found that such action calms the mind.

It is necessary to keep our inner child alive so that we can improve our lives and make the environment better for others so that they do not suffer as a result of our actions.

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Also Read: Happy Life: Healthy Habits of Happy Women

Manish Kumar


Manish Kumar is a digital marketer by profession and have worked in health industry for more than 5 years. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a certified naturopathist, a yoga and meditation practitioner since a long time.

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