World Malaria Day: Date, History and Theme

Worldwide, there are more than 100 nations where malaria is present, and 900,000 people pass away from the illness each year. But, malaria can be avoided by taking medication and other safety precautions including using bed nets that have been treated with an insecticide and indoor insecticide spraying. On the first World Malaria Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underlined the importance of making more bed nets, medications, public health facilities, and trained health professionals available to people in malaria-affected regions of the world.
World Malaria Day Date
World malaria day is celebrated on 25 April every year. The initiative of organizing world malaria day was to raise awareness against malaria issues. However, people need to know more about malaria and its effect. It can even lead to various issues inside the body. It is one most spread diseases all over the world, and with the help of anti-malarial week, people can learn about the effects, causes, and precautions of malaria.
History Of World Malarial Day
Malaria spreads every year and harms lakhs of people every year. However, the WHO (world health organization) has taken the initiative to protect people from malaria. Malaria is derived from South Africa in the 21st century. Later spread, doctors can diagnose malaria. It took thousands of years to manifest the medication and treatment of malaria, as it is one of the most widespread diseases worldwide. It was discovered that malaria is the parasite plasmodium transmitted through the female mosquito. Back then, it was treated with herbal medication; however, you can quickly treat your malaria with excellent medical facilities.
The Theme of World Malaria Day 2022
The theme of world malaria day 2022 was “harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives”. WHO is the prominent leader in the development of malaria treatment. However, it is essential to invite people so that they can launch new medicines. South Africa is considered the central hub for the spread of malaria. However, WHO organises various programs and seminars there, and they motivate people to invest in improving and removing malaria.
Read More: Malaria: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention