Getting a Brazilian Wax : Things You Should Know

 Getting a Brazilian Wax : Things You Should Know

Brazilian wax or waxing differs from traditional bikini waxing because it involves the removal of all hair in the pelvic region. Though it’s becoming more and more popular among women, this procedure isn’t necessarily right for everyone. Before you schedule an appointment, consider the following:

Are You A Good Candidate?

While some women prefer to be rid of all pelvic hair, others can get by with extended waxing procedures, which aim at “cleaning up” the look of natural body hair growth. According to Shalaine Howell, an esthetician in Spokane, Washington, age tends to dictate what women want.

“With Brazilians, I’d say the age group is between 18 to 35,” she said. “Whereas, my 35-plus clients are typically more interested in extended bikini waxes.”

Howell says the majority of women who seek Brazilian waxing do so for a special occasion. Usually, they’re going on vacation, or they’re going to be in a swimsuit for a long period of time,” she said. “Some women want full waxing, while others just want things cleaned up somewhat. The latter is more of an extended bikini wax, while a Brazilian is a total waxing.”

What to Expect

Although some women find professional waxing a little awkward the first few times, the results are surprisingly good. According to Howell, waxing can make a big difference for women who make a long-term commitment.

“With a waxing, women are going to get three to four weeks without hair growth or without having to maintain that area,” she said. “The hair also comes back lighter and finer; and each time you come back for a wax, those hair follicles are going to stay longer beneath the skin. So maybe with your first wax, your results are only going to last about three weeks; but on your second wax, the results could last four to five weeks.

Your third visit could provide even better results. I have one client, who only needs to come in about every three months. So the more you wax, the longer your results are going to last.”

One Thing to Consider

Although Brazilian waxing does offer many benefits, there are a few drawbacks. Howell says women should know what to expect before they make an appointment, so they don’t get caught off guard.

“After you wax, you don’t want to put anything on your skin, lotions creams; no hot tubs,” she said. You don’t want to go workout, out because if you sweat, it can cause ingrown hairs. You shouldn’t even have sexual activity for 24 hours, because it can cause irritation until the hair follicles have had a chance to close up. So if you are planning to wax for a special occasion, such as Valentine’s Day, for instance, you should plan ahead.”

Brazilian waxing is more popular than ever; however, it may not be the ideal fit for every woman. Before you take the plunge, ask lots of questions and be sure your esthetician has plenty of experience performing this type of procedure.

Also Read: What to Expect From Your Spa Day

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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