Emotional Instability: Causes and Symptoms

 Emotional Instability: Causes and Symptoms

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Emotional Instability: There are many factors that contribute to a healthy relationship; such as mutual respect, closeness, intimacy, emotional health, and emotional responsibility from both sides. Emotional instability is very common in today’s relationships and one of the reasons why many relationships break apart.

Causes of emotional instability

Emotional instability has many causes, from low serotonin levels, bipolar disorder or Epstein-Barr virus as well as emotional instability disorder.

1. Low Serotonin Levels

Low serotonin level links to depression, attacks of anxiety, rage, and anger. Serotonin is one of the fifty neurotransmitters in the brain that is responsible for moods, self-esteem, and tolerance; also, it produces in the digestive tract. In addition, low serotonin level links to being extremely emotional in dealing with everyday situations. There are some ways in which you can increase serotonin levels; such as increasing the vitamins B-6 and B-11 in the organism, being in nature and light, listening to music, and keeping positive thoughts, and outlook on life.  When you are in a good, and positive mood, you will transfer that onto your partner. If you have worries about some things in general in life talk and share everything with your partner; also try to find a solution together. Additionally, exercise is known as a major contributor to good feelings and positive energy.

2. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is another depressive state and disorder that causes major shifts in energy, moods, and ability to function on a daily basis. There are many causes of this disorder; such as genetics, brain structure, and functioning.  Also, some signs of this disorder include having extremely high-energy episodes as well as being extremely distracted, constantly taking on new projects and sleeping little, and having extreme energy. The best cure for this type of disorder is a combination of psychotherapy and medications. If you experience some of these signs and symptoms, talk with your partner and ask for professional help.

3. Emotional Instability Disorder

Emotional Instability Disorder is one of the most common disorders that affect the way we connect with our partners. Fear of being abandoned, childhood traumas; also parental neglect are some of the causes of this disorder. Some of the behaviours that result in this kind of disorder are an obsession and addiction to alcohol, shopping, sex, gambling, and irresponsibility of any kind. Most common people with kind of disorder act without thinking, quickly, and based on impulse which can cause major problems in communication with their partners. These kinds of people cannot communicate their emotions very well and they need to practice openness with their partners as well as honesty and try to not bubble up emotions that can sometimes even cause anger and physical violence. It is recommended that these types of people ask for professional help as psychiatrists and try different calming techniques such as meditation.

Dipak Singh


Dipak is a close follower of yoga, meditation, health and everything that has the word 'health' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the health world. He can always be seen surfing the web and while he’s not working, you can find him watching games.

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