Toxic Chemicals: The 8 Chemicals To Avoid When Buying Cosmetics

 Toxic Chemicals: The 8 Chemicals To Avoid When Buying Cosmetics

Toxic Chemicals: The chemicals and contaminants linked to cancer can be found at home, on the street and at work. Food and water can also cause the same. But no category of consumer products is more under scrutiny than cosmetics or other personal care products. Although many chemicals present in cosmetic products may pose no dangers, exposure to others has led to serious health issues such as cancer. 595 cosmetics manufacturers reported using 88 chemical ingredients that have triggered cancer or reproductive damage.

Toxic chemicals and contaminants you should avoid

Below is the list of eight harmful and toxic chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics you should avoid when buying products.

  1. Coal tar
  2. Mercury
  3. Mineral oil
  4. Fragrance
  5. Sodium sulfate
  6. Parabens
  7. DEA / MEA / TEA
  8. Formaldehyde

Let’s discuss these chemicals and contaminants in brief to understand their impact.

1. Coal Tar

Coal Tar is a very known carcinogen that is banned in almost the whole of Europe but it is still used in many countries in North America. Many cosmetic companies use this chemical for anti-age products and dry skin treatments as well as in many anti-dandruff shampoos.

2. Mercury

Mercury is sometimes used in many mascaras and is known as a chemical that impairs the development of the brain. It is the main ingredient also in some soaps and creams that lighten the skin.

3. Mineral Oil

Mineral Oil is clear and odourless and has gained a lot of bad reputation because it is said that it can cause acne and suffocation of the skin’s surface.

4. Fragrance

The fragrance is known to cause nausea, headache, and dizziness. That is the reason that many creme and body lotions are fragrance and perfume free.

5. Sodium sulfate

Sodium Sulfate is a chemical that is used as a skin degreaser and used in many soaps to make a foam.  Many shampoos are getting rid of this chemical because of its bad effect on the hair. It has gained a lot of bad reputation because it irritates the surface of the skin.

6. Parabens

Parabens are used as cosmetic preservatives and also in many body care and makeup products. They are many times linked to breast cancer because of their ability to mimic estrogen in the body. Because of this parabens are banned from many products in many countries.


These are also possible carcinogens that are also very harmful to the body and are used in many shampoos and body products such as body washes and body soaps.

8. Formaldehyde

Commonly found in many fake lash adhesives, nail polishes, and also in hair dye, formaldehyde is a possible carcinogen that is banned in all European Countries and it can irritation on the skin and the eyes.

Priya Singh

Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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