Top 5 Exercises to Perform Post-Pregnancy

Do you have a baby belly that you want to lose? Use the following exercises to do just that.
Many women begin to wonder when their bodies will return to pre-pregnancy weight before they even give birth. The general rule of thumb is to take it easy until 6 weeks post-pregnancy.
Exercises Post-Pregnancy
Here are some simple exercises that you can do to start ridding yourself of that baby belly sooner rather than later.
- Get started with walking
- Head
- Shoulder lifts
- Curl ups
- Pelvic Tilts – Kneeling
Get Started With Walking
Walking may seem like the simplest form as it is part of everyone’s daily lives, however, it does work. If you’re not quite feeling up to a faster or longer walk yet, a simple walk will do just fine. A great tip for walking is to use a baby carrier and take your baby on the walk. By carrying the extra weight of your baby, you will get more benefits than walking alone.
Even if the weather doesn’t permit it, you can walk around inside your house as well. The great thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t take much time, you can walk for 5 minutes or an hour; it is entirely up to you!
Head and Shoulder Lifts
Head and shoulder lifts increase back muscle strength, burn calories, and tone your abs too. The steps to take to complete these exercises are:
Head Lifts
- Lying on your back and putting your arms at your sides
- Keep your lower back on the floor, lift your knees, and put your feet flat on the floor
- Let your belly relax as you inhale
- Lift your neck and your head slowly up, when you exhale
- It is a good idea to begin with just the head lifts. After you are able to complete the head
- lifts easily then you should add the shoulder lifts.
Shoulder Lifts
- Lying on your back and putting your arms to your sides
- Let your belly relax while you inhale
- Pick your head and shoulders up from the floor, then lift your hands and arms to your knees while you slowly exhale
- While you are putting your shoulders and head back down you should inhale
- If you have mastered the head and shoulder lifts, give curl-ups a try!
Also Read: Intermittent Fasting While Pregnant or Trying to Get Pregnant
Curl Ups
You start the curl-ups in the same position in which you began the head and shoulder lifts. Then lift your head, shoulders, and your torso up from the floor until they are around halfway in the middle of the floor and your knees. Reach your arms forward and count to at least a count of three (more if you can). After you count, begin to lower your body back toward the floor.
Pelvic Tilts – Kneeling
There are only a few simple steps to kneeling pelvic tilts. Those steps include:
- Use the position of being on the floor with all fours
- Let your toes rest on the floor
- Rest your arms straight on the floor (lined up with your shoulders)
- Straighten your back and relax
- Inhale and move the buttocks forth by tilting the pelvis and rotating the pubic bone up
- Hold for 3 seconds (more if you can) then let your body go back to the starting position slowly
This exercise will help you relax and strengthen your pelvic area. This is one of the best exercises for post-pregnancy fitness.
To Conclude
With each of these exercises, it is important to remember that if you have cramping or bleeding that hasn’t been normal for you: you should stop the exercise, sit down, relax, and contact your doctor right away. A couple more tips are to always breathe through every exercise and to take a break if needed. Last but not least, relax and have fun while getting rid of your baby’s belly!