Fat Loss Tips: How To Lose Extra Face Fat

Fat Loose
Fat Loss Tips: Before learning how to Lose face fat, you must take into account that the face is certainly one of the many areas where fat accumulates quickly, especially when a person gains weight. Chin and chubby cheeks are the two most common complaints of people when it comes to facial fat. For some people, the chubby cheek is a good thing, but for most, they feel like your face is inflated like a balloon.
1: Drink more water
Drink at least nine 8-ounce glasses of water a day. I consider this a critical step because when you don’t drink enough, your body goes into maintenance mode. It starts to think it’s stranded on a desert island with only a tiny water supply, so it holds on to whatever moisture is currently in its system. As a result, you begin to bloat. You can see the puff in your face and feel it in your hands and feet. So drink up. If you’re bored by the stuff from the tap, then try some sparkling water with lemon or lime. Other drinks (coffee, tea, diet soda, and juice) count toward your water balance, but they may contain calories, and that reduces their benefits. Nothing is as effective or as healthy as good old H2O.
2: More vegetables
Guess what? You can also eat water — fruits and vegetables generally are full of it. On top of that, they’re high in fiber, which helps you feel full, so you’ll be less likely to reach for high-calorie snacks. Try keeping a bag of baby carrots at your desk instead of candy. And don’t start arguing that fruit makes you fat because it’s high in sugar. When was the last time you binged on cantaloupe, apples, and oranges?
3. Chew sugarless gum
Only chew sugarless gum that utilizes sorbitol as the sweetener. Chewing sugarless gum like Dentyne Ice helps clean your teeth, freshen your breath, and strengthen your facial muscles, causing them to burn off more fat.
4: No Alcohol
Whether it’s in the form of wine, beer, or hard liquor, it dehydrates the body, and as we now know, that only adds bloat to your face. Not to mention the calorie count: A five-ounce glass of wine has 100 calories, so even a little drinking can throw off your diet in a big way.
5. Increase your intake of calcium.
A number of studies have shown that consuming at least 1,200 milligrams of calcium (from food sources, primarily dairy) each day could lead to greater loss of body fat. And according to one study, half of the women who took in that much calcium in supplements experienced fewer symptoms of PMS — including water retention. So the next time you reach for a snack, think yogurt or cottage cheese. And don’t go for the fat-free varieties; a little bit of fat will help you feel full longer.
6: Every day, cut 250 calories and burn 250 calories.
One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories, so in order to lose it, you must eliminate an equal number of calories, either by reducing food intake or by increasing your exercise. The easiest way is to do both — you’ll be down 500 calories a day, for a loss of one pound a week, which can lead to a big payoff in your face (and ultimately in your dress size). To burn a quick 250, walk at a brisk speed for half an hour or do an exercise video. Eating less can be as simple as going from your favorite “designer” ice cream to the same-size serving of low-cal frozen yogurt (time to break up with Ben and Jerry). And at the mall, when you get close to the food court, run!
7: Hold the salt.
Always avoid salty food because it helps the body to retain water, which makes your body and face look sluggish. So always remember the moment you pick up the shaker, you increase your chances of bloating. Processed foods tend to be high in sodium, so when you add more salt, you’re going over the top. Be especially careful with soy sauce (and Chinese food in general), canned soups (unless they are labeled as low-sodium), restaurant soups, and canned tuna and salmon, as well as pretzels, chips, and other salty snacks.
8: Do Exercise
By exercising with machine weights, dumbbells, or your own body weight, you maintain your body’s lean muscle tissue. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn — even when your body is on the sofa, not the treadmill. These types of exercises will help you preserve muscle all over, including those in your face. If you diet without doing strength training, you’ll end up with saggy skin, because you aren’t rebuilding your muscle tissue. So that’s one more benefit of weight-bearing exercises: They’ll help your face to regain firmness, not to mention a healthy, youthful glow. So you got all the tips and understand How to Reduce Face Fat.
Today’s Exercise Mantra
Sit up straight and fall on the lower jaw. Now, push the jaw forward until you feel a slight tension on the cheeks, near the ears. Now if you want more energy, be healthier, and younger, lose weight, and also burn the fat off your face.