National Girl Child Day: History and Importance

24th January is declared National girl child day. The primary aim of celebrating national girl child day is to promote awareness about girls’ rights and the inequalities they face in life. The Indian government made many initiatives to promote awareness about the importance of females, female education, health, rights, nutrition, etc. They organize campaigns like “beti bachao beti padhao” and “save the girl child.”
The main objective behind national gild child day is to give support and opportunities to girls in different fields. We all know that India is where gender inequality exists, a significant issue in the development route for girls. Apart from that, many other issues like child marriage, female education, medical care, female foeticide, etc., affect a girl’s life and promote demographic problems in the country. The government has many initiatives and national girl child day is one of the initiatives which helps to promote awareness among the people for girls and their rights.
History Of National Girl Child Day
National girl child day is an excellent initiative by the Government of India, the ministry of women and child development that started in 2008. The primary objective of national girl child day is to highlight the problem of increasing inequality, the issue of girls’ rights, the importance of education for girls, and health and nutrition.
The Objective of National Girl Child Day
- National girl child day is celebrated to provide opportunities to the girl child in every significant field of society.
- Promote awareness about the importance of a girl child.
- Educate people about the health and nutrition of the girl
- Provide rights to the girl’s child and allow them to go to any part of the country
- Government works on gender discrimination and educates people because education is the tool by which people know about their rights.
- Ensure that girls get all their rights and respect in the country.
- Work against the child sex ratio and help change people’s minds regarding girls as a child.
Rights Of A Girl Child
The government of India mentions many schemes for improving the status of a girl child in society. Some of the major projects are given below:
- The government has blocked sex determination in the clinics during pregnancy
- The government should restrict the child marriages
- To save the life of a girl government introduced a scheme named save the girl child.
- The government provides free and compulsory education for both boys and girls till the age of 14 years
- The government made antenatal care to fight malnutrition, literacy, poverty, and infant mortality
- The government made many laws to employ women, like anti-sati and anti-MTP.
- The government also introduced self-help groups for the better life of poor girls
- The government established an open learning system for girls of backward classes.
How National Girl Child Day is Celebrated
All over the country, different events were organized by the government to celebrate national girl child day. Apart from this, the government also arranged many campaigns to promote awareness regarding girls’ rights, education, and social status. However, with the help of these campaigns, the government highlights the problem of inequality and discrimination against the girl child in society.
The government provides advertisements through tv and newspapers, giving the message of saving the girl child. However, other than the government, different NGOs and other private groups participate in this celebration and promote awareness about girls’ rights.
On 24 Jan 20222, Madhya Pradesh celebrated the national girl child on the theme aware girl child. On this important day, the government explains the importance of girls for society, health, and girls’ rights and also talks about removing all the inequalities. We all know that in India, females face discrimination based on their colour, caste, religion, etc. Hence, it is essential to remove all the inequalities from society; for this, our constitution assembly provides many rights for the people. It is the responsibility of the girl child to get all the opportunities offered by the government because it is their constitutional right.
It is a harsh reality that girls in our country face discrimination based on caste, gender, religion, etc., which snatches opportunities. Hence, it is essential to promote awareness about the right of the girl child. National girl child day spreads awareness about the rights of girls and helps to upgrade the status of girls in society.
1. What is the theme of national girl child day 2023?
The theme of national girl child day has yet to be announced, but the theme of 2019 was empowering girls for a brighter tomorrow. In 2020 the article was my voice, our shared future, and in 2021, the article was a digital generation, our generation.
2. When was the first national girl child day celebrated
On 24 Jan 2008, observe the first national girl-child day.
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