World Health Day – History, Importance, and Theme

 World Health Day – History, Importance, and Theme

World Health Day is honored on April 7, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) anniversary. On April 7, 1948, the WHO was established on the guiding principle that everyone should have access to the best possible level of health. The annual theme selection process considers the global public health issue every year.

The primary objective of the WHO is universal health coverage. The key to achieving it is ensuring everyone can get the care they require when they need it, right in the center of the community. Many nations worldwide are making progress, but millions still need access to healthcare. Many more people must decide between paying for their health care and daily expenses like food, clothing, and even a home. For this reason, on April 7, the WHO will emphasize the importance of universal health coverage.

History of World Health Day

Representatives of Brazilian and Chinese authorities suggested the concept of establishing an independent organization for health in December 1945.

The World Health Organization plan got legal approval in 1946 in New York in the month of July. Previous constitution was implemented on April 7, 1948, because 61 nations showed interest in creating the NGO,

As one of WHO’s first actions, they created a World Health Day celebration. Initially, it was honored on July 22, 1949, but the date was later changed to April 7, the founding of WHO, to encourage student participation.

Since 1950, the WHO Director-General has chosen a new theme for World Health Day each year based on suggestions from the member governments and staff. World Health Day offers a chance for people all over the world to concentrate attention on significant public health issues that have an impact on the global community. Promotional initiatives are started in honor of World Health Day and last far beyond April 7.

The Theme of the world health day

People worldwide have actively promoted health issues and access to healthcare on World Health Day ever since it began. On this day, classrooms, seminars, workshops, and discussion forums will cover a different World Health Organization topic each year. The main goals of the day are to raise awareness of the health problems faced by the underprivileged and needy in underdeveloped areas of the world and to inspire us to take better care of our health.

There are charity drives, fundraisers, and outdoor activities like biking and hiking. Although it is essential in today’s culture, Demanding lifestyles affect our mental health. Therapy and mediation are, therefore, highly recommended. Of course, you are what you eat. Thus, a balanced diet is the focus of daily meals and restaurant promotions.

Why is World Health Day important?

World Health Day motivates global action and is one of the WHO’s eight official global health campaigns. The day encourages campaigns to raise awareness and media coverage.

World Health Day selects a fresh theme every year to ensure we are continuously learning! Each year, the WHO chooses a topic based on a significant health issue of the day and then devotes a week to conferences and other events. On World Health Day, it’s a better idea to approach your health. The stigma attached to disease can be lessened by conversation, encouraging more individuals to seek assistance and care.

How to celebrate World Health Day?

Individuals, families, schools, churches, and other local organizations can celebrate and observe World Health Day. It’s a fantastic opportunity to interact with others around significant issues. To begin celebrating and enjoying the day, try some of these suggestions:

1. Take Good Care of Your Family’s Health

On this day, many people might go the additional mile to look after their families and their health. It is a beautiful time to start thinking about joining a gym (and going there), developing a healthier eating strategy, or taking multivitamins. Any time is an excellent opportunity to begin moving toward personal wellness.

2. Participate in World Health Day Activities

Everyone can contribute to a healthier world by starting with themselves, their families, and their local communities. Making it all about the local area is preferable to just making it personal.

It is the perfect moment to participate in neighborhood World Health Day festivities. Alternatively, many people choose to arrange WHD themselves if something still needs to be planned. Find out what events the local hospitals or organizations have organized, and then give your time or show up. Volunteers often need to help with the work of blood banks, and access to healthy, fresh blood is essential to saving many lives.

3. Spread the Word About World Health Day

A suitable method to observe this day is spreading the word about health hazards. Take benefit of the opportunity to network and educate others about the critical subject of global health. It is an excellent way to use your network of influence for good, whether you create a campaign to increase awareness at work or school, make posters, invite people to an event or lecture, or tell a buddy.

4. Discover the current World Health Day theme

Everyone needs to care about their and their community’s health, so now is a perfect moment to focus on this year’s subject. On the World Health Day website, you may access a variety of plans, resources, and activities that will assist in spreading awareness of this crucial topic and learning the current Theme. Make it a family, school, or community tradition to participate in yearly, and you’ll be doing much to advance world health.

5. Plan World Health Day fundraising events

Observing World Health Day is crucial and can be used to plan fundraising events supporting neighbourhood-free clinics and other public health organizations. Host a charity event with the help of some friends, relatives, or coworkers. Participate in a walk or run to raise money and awareness, or donate to a deserving organization supporting global health initiatives.

6. Understanding Local Health

Taking on the duty at home, getting to know the neighborhood and your property, and getting rid of any potential sources of standing water are other ways to observe World Health Day. Insects that spread illness by feeding on their hosts’ blood and travelling from victim to victim, like mosquitos, reproduce in standing water. On World Health Day this year, spend some time telling people how their neighbors and the local community can help the global health situation.


The leading cause of people’s poor health in the modern world is their use of junk food. As a result of its deliciousness and accessibility, many favors prepared foods and outdoor cuisine. Junk food contains a wide variety of substances. The leading cause of the introduction of so many diseases is this. We should always eat healthy foods and lead healthy lifestyles if we want to remain healthy.

Today, everyone’s occupations require them to spend hours in front of a laptop. They remain glued to their phones or televisions even after getting home. Long periods kids spend watching TV or using their phones. Various diseases have this as their underlying cause. Instead of staying at home, kids should participate in outside sports like badminton, football, and cricket. They should engage in physical activities like cycling, walking, and jogging. Our physical and mental health will benefit from it. People are so preoccupied with the jobs that they put their health on the back burner. The purpose of World Health Day is to emphasize how crucial it is to prioritize our health. Only when we are healthy will we effectively manage other elements of our lives. A healthy body and brain go hand in hand, as has been said.


How can we celebrate World Health Day?

You can offer your services to local nonprofits and charities. Blood and bone marrow donation is also a good option to celebrate the day. However, put effort to maintain your health.

What can I do to prevent becoming sick the most effectively?

Pay attention to your body’s signals and ensure you get enough exercise, sleep, and a nutritious diet. Always seek professional advice when in doubt, and incorporate wellness checks into your regular practice.

Read Also: Health Days: Important Health Days, National, International

Priya Singh

Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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