Alternative Medicine: 7 Popular Healing Therapies That Actually Works

 Alternative Medicine: 7 Popular Healing Therapies That Actually Works

Alternative Medicine: Alternative medicine is a different or alternate form of healing that is used to cure diseases or the physical and mental states of human beings. In Alternative Healing, the healer does not treat the problem separately it treats the whole physical system. As a healer, you will have to know the patient’s lifestyle, his nature, and every little detail related to him. The person who is to be healed has to have the willingness to be healed. He has to believe in cosmic powers as well as believe that the body itself has some healing powers.

There are alternative healing forms like alternative medicines which can be used to heal patients. Each form of alternative medicine has its roots in ancient texts. The forms of alternative medicines are Ayurveda, Sidha, and Unani. One can also opt for Reiki, crystal healing, or gem therapy to treat patients or people who are suffering in any other form.

Alternative Medicine That Actually Work

The best way to treat a person is by successfully mixing two forms of healing that are allopathic and alternative healing. You can have a pure mind and heart and your healing will be done in a much better fashion. Earlier alternative healing was not that popular but now it is slowly gaining popularity and seeping into the mainstream profession. More and more people are opting for this type of treatment as they are finding relief and success.

7 popular forms of alternative healing and their significance are as follows:

  1. Reiki
  2. Mediation
  3. Yoga
  4. Gem Therapy
  5. Aroma Therapy
  6. Homoeopathy

Reiki is a form of Alternative Healing

Reiki is an alternative healing form that is based on the principle that energy is the primary character of existence and that the body and its emotions and thoughts are all articulated in terms of energy vacillating at dissimilar regularity. It is a form of medicine that uses a hands-on technique. It is a spiritual practice that was first started in the year 1922. There is no scientific proof that the process works but it has surely helped many people. It is a Japanese system of healing. The training or teaching of reiki is divided into three degrees. There have been a lot of controversies too regarding its validity, but nevertheless, many people still believe it.

Meditation as a form of Alternative Healing

Meditation is also a form of alternative healing which treats a person’s problem on a different level. If you spend at least 30 minutes meditating then you can be benefited greatly from it. It helps to de-stress when you are always on your toes in this fast-paced world. Meditation helps to bring about a balance between mind, body, and soul. Meditation is often considered part of a religious ceremony or tradition. Meditation is found in all types of religions be it Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, or Christianity. Through this form and posture, spiritual energy is encouraged in the system. The most popular position is the half-lotus position if you are meditating.

Yoga as a form of Alternative Healing

Nowadays Yoga has become a very popular form of alternative healing and people are opting for yoga as a form of alternative healing. It helps to keep your mind, body, and soul in balance. It also helps in keeping your body fit. It helps to de-stress and keep you in shape. Yoga provides a holistic solution for you. Yoga has its origins in traditional mental and physical disciplines originating in India. Some of the branches of yoga are Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Jnana Yoga. Yoga is associated more with asanas. Yoga has many aims which are to attain salvation as well as to improve health. Through Yoga, one has achieved a great deal by improving health. You will feel relieved and rejuvenated once again once you start including Yoga in your daily schedule.

Feng Shui as a form of Alternative Healing

Feng Shui is all about nature and its natural healing powers which are used in the right way can make a huge difference in your life. A laughing buddha or a wind chime in your house can make a great deal of difference. It is an ancient Chinese system through which one can bring about a great difference in life. Fen Shui uses the laws of astronomy and geography. The word Feng Shui means wind-water in English. In today’s world, Feng Shui is not only used by the Chinese but also by others across the world. Through the passage of time, this form of alternative healing has lost much of the knowledge and has been changed and lost in translation. For some people again it does not hold much significance as it is considered pseudoscience.

Gem Therapy as a form of Alternative Healing

Gem Therapy is another alternative healing form that is used by many. It is believed that gemstones contain vibrations that are supposed to affect a person and its aura and hence bring about a definite change in one’s life. Gem Therapy is used as a curative modality in the area of energy medicine. The use of gemstones as a healing modality has its origins in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Gemstones help to clear the energy blockages through their vibration and power. It is believed that Gemstones are an embodiment of a life force.

Aromatherapy as a form of Alternative Healing

Aromatherapy does not just about pretty smell perfumes and candles and vials which you stock up at your home. It has many benefits which you can come to know if you start using them. These are available in almost every shop nowadays. Aromatherapy has its origins in aromatic oils which are made from dried plants and fatty oil. This concept of alternative healing was first started by a small group of European scientists and doctors. Aromatherapy is used in the treatment or prevention of diseases. Essential oils are used to treat illnesses or diseases.

Homoeopathy as a form of Alternative Healing

Homoeopathy is not about mortars and pestles and sweet pills with exotic names like Arnica Montana and Nux Vomica. Homoeopathy is an alternative form of medicine that was first started by Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796. Since the 19th century, Homoeopathy has gained popularity and has to date retained its popularity parallel to allopathic medicines and other alternative healing means and forms.

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Dipak Singh

Dipak is a close follower of yoga, meditation, health and everything that has the word 'health' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the health world. He can always be seen surfing the web and while he’s not working, you can find him watching games.

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