Smartphones are Good for your Health

 Smartphones are Good for your Health

Smartphones have taken the communication and electronic industry by storm. People never realized when Smartphones became a necessity from a luxury. When it comes to services and functions, they have even surpassed personal computers and laptops.

Smartphones have succeeded in influencing all sorts of fields, healthcare, and medicine being one of them. Be it quick diagnosis, patient monitoring, communicating, and educating, a Smartphone serves all these purposes.

If a patient, who is disciplined about his/her health and is updated with all past statistics with regard to blood pressure, heartbeat rate, etc., visits the doctor, it makes it easier for the doctor to give him/her the right treatment. Smartphones provide you with the right assistance required to be updated about your health status.

Many times, even doctors make use of smartphone and tablet technology during treatments. Smartphones reduce the cost for them to quite an extent, which also indirectly allows them to charge the patient reasonably.

Here’s how Smartphones can help you take care of your health:

Blood Pressure Monitor:

According to a study by American Heart Association, more than 25% of the world’s population is suffering from high blood pressure issues. Apps like iHealth BPM and Wing Blood Pressure Monitor with the help of the cuff can give you the right diagnosis.

Ear Testing:

CellScope Oto is an iPhone healthcare accessory that enables the detection of ear infections easily and makes its treatment possible even from a remote location.

Blood Glucose Monitors:

Biostar is an apple app available at the iTunes store that allows you to monitor your glucose level. Also, MyGlucoHealth wireless meter has brought a revolution in the healthcare area with the help of Bluetooth technology.

Skin Testing:

CellScope Derm allows patients to click high-resolution pictures in total comfort and privacy in their house and later show them to their doctor.

Eye Testing:

Netra is a Smartphone healthcare accessory, which comes for 2$. With the help of this device and two apps called EyeNetra and EyeCatra, you get the analysis of the refractive errors of the eyes as well as get the cataract testing done.

Smartphone Ultrasound Scanners:

Mobisante is a firm in the US that came up with a small ultrasound device with a Smartphone application, which shows the ultrasound image on the screen of the phone. Doctors working for disaster relief in remote locations can use this device for the benefit of the patients.

ECG (electrocardiogram) through Smartphone:

AliveCor’s ECG iPhone case is a device that is to be attached to the back of the phone, which monitors and records ECG rhythms.

Smart Stethoscopes:

Thinklab’s digital stethoscope with the help of an iPhone app allows medical professionals to monitor the heartbeats of the patient and even record them. The sounds, images, and other notes can be saved and emailed too.

Lifewatch-V – all-in-one healthcare assistance:

An Israel-based company called Lifewatch technologies has come up with a new Smartphone, which helps you in taking various health tests and sending the same to the doctor. It also has umpteen other healthcare-related apps and options.

Also Read: Clinical Trials & Developing New Medicines

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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