Smoothie Recipes: Ingredients To Always Have For Your Smoothies

Smoothie Recipes: A smoothie is a drink that is made by blending several ingredients. A liquid basis, such as fruit juice, milk, yoghurt, ice cream, or cottage cheese, is a typical component of a smoothie. It is possible to add other components, such as fruits, vegetables, non-dairy milk, ice cubes, whey powder, or nutritional supplements. Smoothies are very easy to make and they are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and all the essential macronutrients. You can make 1000 different smoothies by using different ingredients. In case you are intolerant to lactose and searching for a dairy-free option, then you can go with a dairy-free smoothie recipe.
6 Ingredients you should always have for your smoothies
Here are some ingredients you should always have in your fridge in order to make the best smoothies for your diet. Keep this basic list and experiment with different flavors.
- Protein of choice
- Fruits (Bananas/Berries)
- Milk Of Choice
- Agave/Honey/Dates/Stevia Powder
- Spirulina/Maca/Acai Berry/Raw Cacao
- Nut Butters/Coconut Oil
Let’s see how you can manage these 6 ingredients so that you can use them for your smoothies.
1. Protein Of Choice
Protein keeps you full, fuels your muscles, and makes you burn more fat. Choose a protein that fits your needs or taste. It might be whey protein, casein, brown rice protein, hemp, or pea protein powder. You can also use Greek yogurt if you don’t like to use protein powders.
2. Fruits (Bananas/Berries)
Fruits will make your smoothies thick and perfect for the summer. Keep frozen bananas, berries, and pineapple chunks and add them to your choice of smoothie. Also, good fruits for smoothies are avocados, apples, and pears.
3. Milk Of Choice
You can use fresh filtered water also, but milk will add more nutrients and flavor to your smoothies. You can use low-fat milk, almond, soy, rice, or any other type of milk. Pick your favourite and always have it in your fridge.
4. Agave/Honey/Dates/Stevia Powder
Choose your type of sweetener for your smoothies. Some people like the taste of agave, some like honey, and some go for dates. Dates are really good as they make the smoothie thicker and they have high fiber content. Stevia powder is great for those who count calories because stevia powder is zero calories.
5. Spirulina/Maca/Acai Berry/Raw Cacao
These superfoods are loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Spirulina is great for detox; maca is good for balancing hormones and increasing libido; acai berry is the most abundant in anti-oxidants as well as raw cacao that will add a chocolaty taste to your smoothies.
6. Nut Butters/Coconut Oil
This is optional but it really transforms your smoothie and adds on healthy fats, flavour, and +protein. Choose always raw almond or peanut butter or a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Also Read: 7 Super Foods To Add To Your Smoothies