The Best Carbs For Cutting Belly Fat

Belly Fat: Although carbs have gained a lot of bad reputation over the years, there are some types of so-called good carbohydrates that will not just help you manage your weight but also help you lose belly fat. So what are the best carbs for cutting belly fat? Here are the top 6 choices that will keep you full and make it easier to lose belly fat.
6 carbs to add to your meals to help you lose belly fat
- Whole wheat pasta
- Sweet potatoes
- Oatmeal
- Quinoa
- Apples and Bananas
- Brown rice
1. Whole Wheat Pasta
Whole wheat pasta has many benefits over regular white pasta. Not only will it keep you full for a longer period of time, but it also contains much more protein and fibre that will keep your digestion in check.
2. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are one of the few carbohydrates that are digested slowly and keep your blood sugar stable. Also like all other good carbohydrates, they are a good source of fibre and several important vitamins and nutrients such as vitamins A and B vitamins.
3. Oatmeal for losing belly fat
Rich in fibre and protein, oatmeal makes the perfect morning food. It is an excellent source of manganese, zinc, and biotin. Plus, it is one of the most versatile fit foods. You can make pancakes, overnight oats, waffles and snack foods.
4. Quinoa
Quinoa contains all 9 amino acids that our body needs so it is a perfect substitute for meat. It is also very high in fibre and B vitamins. You can make porridge with it, throw it in a salad or even make sweet desserts with it.
5. Apples & Bananas helps cutting belly fat
These two fruits are the best for slimming down and cutting belly fat. Bananas will keep your digestion running smoothly and will help with bloating + and give you the daily needed amount of potassium. Apples are one of the best sources of soluble fibre as well as fat-burning compounds and antioxidants.
6. Brown Rice / Basmati Rice
Rice is the all-time favorite when it comes to fitness nutrition. Basmati rice is fragrant and much tastier and is a great substitute for white rice because it has a lower GI and will not cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. Brown rice is great also for cutting belly fat because, compared to white rice, it contains a lot more fibre and many nutrients such as vitamin B-12.
Also Read: Fat Loss Tips: 5 Proven Techniques