The Ten Commandments For Cancer Survival

 The Ten Commandments For Cancer Survival

Here are the ten commandments for cancer survival.

  1. You must treat the word “Cancer” as what it is—a word. neither more nor less. Its original meaning has significantly changed over time, much like the meanings of words like Smallpox, TB, and Polio, which were formerly dreadful diseases but are now non-existent. And so will your Cancer as well. Those who are present to hear the answer will receive it. When it does, be ready to hear it.
  2. You must love your chemotherapy, radiation, and other therapies as much as you love yourself because they are your allies and friends. Even if they could take a toll on their efforts, they frequently show the greatest generosity when bestowing favours.
  3. You must actively take part in your healing. You will be informed of every aspect of your illness, including its diagnosis, prognosis, and traditional and alternative treatments.
  4. You must ask questions about anything you don’t understand and discuss them freely and honestly with your oncologist. You must then consult your doctor with information and intelligence.
  5. You must view your illness as a brief detour in your life and continue to plan for the future as if it hadn’t happened. Never, ever, under any circumstances, consider a brief illness to be a lifelong condition.
  6. You must set long-term objectives for yourself. Because you will truly recover, and your conviction that you will much aid in your recovery.
    You must be honest and transparent with your loved ones about how you are feeling because they are also suffering. You must reassure and comfort them because they also require such things, just as you do.
  7. You must be a source of knowledge, inspiration, compassion, and love for your fellow concertgoers. Where there may be none, you must give them hope because it is only in hope that they will be saved. And by doing so, you also give comfort to yourself.
  8. No matter how discouraged you may feel right now, you must never give up hope because you know in your heart that a brighter day is coming—perhaps tomorrow or the day after tomorrow—and that your current despair is just temporary.
    You must not see your illness as the entirety of your existence, but rather as only a portion of it. Add more distractions to your life, whether they are commonplace, adorable, charitable, or plain humorous. To let your illness rule your life is to give in to it.
  9. Maintaining your sense of humour is something you must do at all times and under all circumstances since it makes people feel better and speeds up healing. This is not a simple undertaking and at times seems insurmountable, but the effort is worth it.
  10. Whether you believe in a Supreme Being, scientific research, your future, yourself, or anything else, you must have unwavering confidence. Maintain your faith with steadfastness, and it will maintain you.

Also Read: Guidance On End-of-life Care For Cancer Patients

Priya Singh

Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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