Things to Be Considered While Going For any kind of Surgeries

With the increase in population to 7 billion people in the world, the number of surgeries and health-related issues has also increased alarmingly leading to the need for awareness about the surgical safety and complications involved, which play a pivotal role in considering any kind of surgery.
As per global statistics (2004), it was estimated that 234.2 million surgeries are undertaken every year worldwide. In other words, one out of every 25 human beings undergoes an operation, which makes it necessary to consider the following factors before you go under the knife.
1. Is surgery the only option?
The most important question you need to ask yourself and your doctor is how badly you need to get operated on and whether is surgery the only option you have. Approving for a surgery of any kind, be it cosmetic, laser, transplant, or microsurgery, can be a life-changing decision so if the surgery can be avoided and an alternate method can be used, you can go for it.
In many cases, physical therapy can be invaluable in improving the health condition, which may prevent surgery. For example, if you have a muscle tear or ligament tear, it can be treated through extensive physiotherapy sessions and surgery can be avoided.
You must know the consequences of having the surgery as well as not having the surgery. After weighing the risks, if you chose not to have an operation, then try searching for alternatives to the surgical procedure.
2. Is the surgery safe?
It is important that your physician discusses the risks and complications involved in doing the particular kind of surgery you are advised for, and also his experience in performing such surgeries.
It is always beneficial to be aware of the benefits and risks of the surgery to make an informed decision. There is also no harm in taking a second opinion before making a decision about elective surgery.
3. Selection of the surgeon/hospital
It is required that you’re well aware of the surgeon’s history in performing the surgeries, and also the guidelines or rules followed by the particular hospital in which the surgery is to be performed. You need to have confidence in your physician whether chosen by you or referred to you, before making any decision.
You may always confirm the credentials or qualifications of the physician who may perform the surgery. If you feel any kind of pressure being put on you regarding the surgery, it’s always better to walk away.
4. Cost of the Surgery
Make your financial arrangements well in advance after finding out the specific cost of operation and the hospital fees or charges. You can always opt for a short-term loan in case of a minor operation or go for long-term loans depending upon the type of surgery you are going to have. If you have taken health insurance, you should find out the amount covered by the insurance company.
5. After the effects of the operation
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Find out the possible outcomes of the surgery and how long will you need to be hospitalized. You can also know what will you go through in the first few days or weeks or months after the operation. This may help you recover sooner and help you cope with the anxiety before the operation.
Surgeries affect us both physically and mentally. It is always better to get the best advice and help while making a decision, especially in the case of operations. So, before making any decision, get all the information needed and do not make any decision in haste or under any pressure.
Also Read: What Not to Do After a Surgery