Tinnitus : Coping with Tinnitus at Home

 Tinnitus : Coping with Tinnitus at Home

A persistent ringing or shrill noise in your ears sometimes occurs after exposure to loud noises. But if the ringing in your ears won’t go away, you’re likely suffering from tinnitus. This condition, as annoying as it is, is generally a symptom of other problems such as age-related hearing loss, blood vessel or circulatory disorder, or nerve damage in the inner ear.

It’s important to see your doctor about tinnitus so you can get to the root cause and receive proper treatment. But, while you’re following the prescribed course of treatment, there are also measures you can take at home to promote ear health and find relief from tinnitus.

Understanding What Causes Tinnitus

Long-Term Exposure to Loud Noises

An occasional loud noise can give you an earache, but the effects will likely subside after a while. But if you’re exposed to loud noises regularly, nerve damage will build up over time, leading to tinnitus. Common sources of noise are fireworks, construction equipment, firearms, and loud music.

Blood Vessel Disorder

When dealing with ear issues, you’re not likely to consider your heart health. Yet cardiovascular health has an impact on your ear health, as well. Blood vessel disorder stemming from poor heart health can lead to tinnitus. If tinnitus occurs, your heart health should be checked to rule blood vessel disorder out as a root cause.

Age-Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common occurrence as we age. You may notice that conversations are a bit harder to hear or that you’re asking people to repeat themselves more frequently. As this occurs, that annoying ringing in your ears may develop. Annual hearing checks can help you stay on top of issues related to hearing.

Coping with Tinnitus at Home

White Noise

It takes time for tinnitus to be remedied, but in the meantime, hearing noises constantly can drive you nuts. White noise from a fan, soft music, or white noise machine can be effective in helping to drown out or distract you from the noises in your ears.

Relaxation Therapy

Relaxation therapy can be instrumental in helping you deal with stress from tinnitus. Meditation, massage, yoga, and other forms of exercise can help you calm down and feel that you’re taking control of your health.

Gain Support

Ringing in your ears may not seem like a big enough issue to warrant support, but if you’ve been dealing with it for any length of time, gaining support can become a very important part of your treatment plan. A support group or network can help you learn more about tinnitus while also knowing you’re not facing it alone.

While it’s best to do all you can to prevent tinnitus, sometimes this annoying health issue occurs no matter what you’ve done to maintain good health. Armed with the assistance of a doctor, knowledge, and understanding of what tinnitus is, and treatments you can use at home, you can cope with and overcome this hearing issue. Tinnitus can impact your quality of life, but it doesn’t have to.

This has been a guest post from Australia’s Tinnitus Miracle website. If you’re seeking a convenient way to treat your Tinnitus, they might have something to offer you.

Also Read: Hearing Loss: Tests, Causes, and Treatment 

Prakhar Singh


A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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