World Cancer Day – History and Importance

World Cancer Day: Cancer is when a few of the body’s cells develop out of control and disperse to other bodily regions. Cancer can grow practically anywhere in the millions of cells that make up the human body. Human cells often divide to create new cells and replace old ones. Tumours, which are tissue masses, can develop from these cells.
Cancerous tumours can move to distant body parts to produce new tumours, invade neighbouring tissues, or both. Malignancies of the blood, including leukaemias, seldom develop solid tumours, although many other cancers do.
Noncancerous tumours do not penetrate or spread to neighbouring tissues. However, benign tumours typically don’t return after removal; malignant tumours can. However, benign tumours sometimes can grow really big. Some, like benign brain tumours, can have serious side effects or even be fatal.
World Cancer Day 2023
Cancer appears to affect every one of us eventually. World Cancer Day, which falls on February 4 every year, is to increase public awareness of cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. Activities for World Cancer Day, first held in 2008 by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The aim is to drastically lower cancer-related diseases and fatalities by 2020.
On February 4, people around the world mark World Cancer Day. The purpose is to educate and inspire people about early detection, prevention, and treatment. The Union for International Cancer Control launched this project to promote and fight for the goals of the 2008 World Cancer Declaration.
World Cancer Day and its History
According to the WHO, cancer is one of the significant causes of death worldwide. In 1993, the Union for International Cancer Control was founded. It is a membership-based association with headquarters in Geneva that strives to end cancer globally and advance medical research. In Geneva, Switzerland, that year, the inaugural International Cancer Day was observed under its direction. Numerous reputable organizations, cancer societies, and treatment facilities backed this project.
The inaugural World Summit Against Cancer in 2000 saw the official establishment of World Cancer Day. Members of cancer groups and significant world leaders from governments attended the event, which took place in Paris.
The ten-article “Charter of Paris Against Cancer” was signed, indicating an international commitment to enhancing cancer patients’ support and quality of life. It emphasizes developing and increasing cancer research, screening, and treatment funding.
There are wide varieties of cancer, so they use different colours and symbols to identify each type and raise awareness of the battle against it. For instance, the orange ribbon is used to raise cancer awareness among youngsters, but the pink ribbon promotes breast cancer awareness worldwide. The American Cancer Society uses the daffodil flower to represent hope for patients and survivors.
Each year, thousands of events and fundraising events occur on this day in hospitals, schools, businesses, markets, community halls, parks, etc.
These events help unite people and organizations and serve as a potent reminder that cancer patients are not alone and that everyone has a role in lessening the disease’s global impact.
Read Also: Cancer Prevention: Tips To Reduce The Cancer Risk
Symptoms of cancer
Cancer can create various signs and symptoms depending on what region of the body is affected. The following are some common symptoms of cancer:
- Fatigue
- Under the skin, a lump or thickening.
- Alterations in weight, such as unplanned loss or increase
- Skin alterations such as skin that is turning yellow, darkening, or red, sores that won’t heal, or modifications to existing moles
- Alterations in bowel or bladder patterns
- Persistent cough or breathing issues
- Having trouble swallowing
- Hoarseness
- Persistent heartburn or discomfort following a meal
- Persistent irrational joint or muscle pain
- Persistent fevers or sweats at night
Speaking about or having a conversation about cancer is still frowned upon in India and many other nations, and this view needs to change immediately. Never forget that raising cancer awareness is the first step in preventing it. It would help if you came across survivors speaking about their experiences to raise cancer awareness. Knowing about the sickness in advance can be very beneficial because it will make you more aware of any symptoms or signs you may encounter and prompt you to notify your doctor immediately. Effectively preventing or combating cancer will be aided by this.
How is cancer triggered?
There are many distinct types of cells in your body. Normal cellular processes include growth, division, ageing, and death. Cells often do not degenerate and proceed into mutation, then expand out of control, forming a mass or tumour.
Malignant or benign tumours can both occur in the body. Our body tissues can be attacked by and killed by cancerous tumours. They may also spread to other body areas, prompting new tumour growth. Metastasis indicates the progress of cancer to a late stage.
Does cancer have a hereditary component?
In actuality, cancer is a hereditary disorder. Because mutations or alterations cause cancer to enter the genes and regulate the cell’s behaviour. In 5-10% of cancer cases, these are inherited.
Doctors advise genetic testing when there is a known family history of hereditary cancer.
Is cancer curable?
Yes. Your doctor may declare cancer in remission if the treatment seems to be working. In partial remission, the tumour lessens but does not eliminate. If there is total remission it means the cancer has disappeared.
It is less likely for cancer to return the longer it is in complete remission, and eventually, your doctor may declare cancer to be curable.
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