World Liver Day: Date, History, and Significance

World Liver Day is designated to raise awareness of diseases related to the Liver on April 19 as World Liver Day. The Liver is the second-largest and most complex organ in the body, except the brain. The Liver carries out several vital tasks related to immunity, metabolism, digestion, and the storage of nutrients in the body. As a result of a lack of nutrients and energy, the body’s tissues would quickly perish without it. The Liver is easily damaged if proper maintenance is compromised. Without a liver, you would not survive. The organ is susceptible to damage if you don’t take good care of it.
A World Health Organization report states liver diseases are responsible for approximately 268,580 deaths in India, or 3.17% of all fatalities. The World Liver Day campaign is a fantastic way to get people interested in learning more about liver health.

Each year, liver diseases claim the lives of about 2 million people in India. Despite this high mortality rate, few people are aware of liver diseases or the factors contributing to them. World Liver Day is the best time to discuss liver disease causes and consequences.
The Liver works hard, carrying out hundreds of complicated processes, including:
- Helping to fight illnesses and infections
- Control of blood sugar
- Getting free of toxic substances from the body
- Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level
- Promoting blood clotting
- Letting bile flow which is a liquid that breaks down fats and aids in digestion
Until the disease is fairly advanced and the Liver is damaged, the liver disease usually doesn’t show any overt signs or symptoms. Possible symptoms at this point include disordered eating behaviours, weight loss, and jaundice.
History of World Liver Day
The National Health Portal supports World Liver Day to inform people about the advantages of keeping their livers healthy. This day addresses the rising number of deaths in the nation caused by liver disease. It is appropriate for people and healthcare professionals to talk about liver health on World Liver Day.
Additionally, keeping the Liver healthy can prevent serious liver conditions. As a result, celebrating events like World Liver Day is crucial.
Significance of World Liver Day
The day is important because liver issues are India’s 10th most common cause of death. The goal of World Liver Day is to increase understanding of the significance of keeping a healthy lifestyle and avoiding greasy and fatty foods to protect one’s Liver. Given that the Liver is so important to the digestive system maintaining it is very important. Therefore, World Liver Day is a day to promote disease prevention through preventative measures and a healthy diet to maintain the Liver.
When is world liver day celebrated?
World liver day date is April 19 every year. That means, the whole world celebrated world liver day on 19th March every year.
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