The Trend Towards Minimalism and Decluttering

 The Trend Towards Minimalism and Decluttering

Minimalism and decluttering trend: Minimalism or decluttering trend starts in the late 1950s by the artist Frank Stella whose black paintings were exhibited at the Museum of New York in 1959, which described the minimalism trend, and many more artists have been influenced by the minimalism trend. Minimalism or decluttering is a trend nowadays because people have understood that we do not need maximum things in our place to show off, or to get happy. So, instead of wasting money and time, they are investing in learning new things like driving, cooking, baking, yoga, meditation, swimming, increasing their interest in reading valuable books which enhance knowledge, etc. which will remain permanently with them. Minimalism can be applied to our living schedule, our relationship timings, homes, digital utilization, etc.

Why minimalism and decluttering did become a trend?

Creating a minimalist home is the art of designing elements by making great efforts to obtain simple, practical things to convey the message of simplicity. And, on the other hand, Decluttering is explained as the elimination of unnecessary items or things from your place that you want to minimalize or make some space. Due to minimalism, people understand that there is no goodness in doing show off only for the appreciation of other people, it is totally energy-wasting, money-wasting, and time-wasting process. Minimalism trend is often used for homes to make them tidy, and clean which attracts us towards simplicity. Not only homes are used in the minimalism strategy, but people also go towards digital minimalism which explains the less usage of digital devices or social media which is total time waste. We can declutter the cluttered things.

It became a trend because minimalist home takes less time for cleaning, can easily be managed, only prefers important thoughts, or shows well-organized tiny homes, which does not affect the environment, and allows time for self-reflection.   

Minimalist home:

People used to buy big houses which are of no use, the trend of minimalism is always about being short and tidy which came among individuals. To make a minimalist home, eliminate the unnecessary things like unused clothes, or you do not wear by applying the five-second rule which is defined as reminding when did you last wear this cloth, and if you remember that in 5 seconds then put it in the wardrobe otherwise throw them or donate them, or 90 days rule which explains that if you have worn the cloth in the past 90 days then keep it or otherwise donate it. Minimalism encourages you to keep the important things on priority, focus on your goal and remind you which things you need to complete your goal. Always try to manage your space by altering your furniture like bed, couch, table, etc. which can be folded or occupy less space, so that you can do anything else in that space like drawing, painting, exercise, yoga, plant trees, meditation, dancing, etc., you can also give tuition to the students, etc.

Digital minimalist:

At home, we can also do digital minimalism which is also an important aspect of our life because everything is now on the internet, it is an advantage or a big disadvantage too. The advantage is when you do not have any resources to go out or to learn something, you can learn anything from the internet for free if the resources are used in the right way. You can also earn from social media, but if you are not doing something productive from the digital media then it is totally a time wastage and energy wastage. Start digital minimalism by cleaning up your trash, cleaning up Emails, eliminating the photos, pdfs, files, etc. which are copied double times, and removing the apps from your phone which causes no harm if they are removed. Arrange your files in an organized manner which saves your time, and energy, managing these things keeps your mind stress-free, reduces anxiety levels, etc.

Other benefits of minimalism:

  1. It plays a great role in sustaining the resources so that our future generation will also know about the value of every resource.
  2.  If you do not have much money to complete your house for the decoration, and for extra things, making a minimalist home is the best and the most effective way to complete your house on a low budget.
  3. When you do decluttering, and you see a lot of things that you have is not in use for a long time, then give it to the needy ones, instead of throwing them.
  4. It helps in more focus and increases productivity towards your goals without any distractions.
  5.  The greatest benefit is less depletion of natural resources and also decreases the level of pollution.

 Cons of decluttering, or minimalism:

  1. Minimalism is not so good for the environment and the economy of our nation too because it brings some boring vibes, with no longer joy because of limited things in the house, no attractive decoration or designs in the house, with neutral colors in the house.
  2. It also affects the economy in this way due to not buying anything extra from the market, if everybody makes a minimalist home. It attracts fewer people to come to your house because they will not be able to understand the minimalism meaning or its importance.
  3. If you are interested in collecting things, but you are creating a minimalist home you have to donate or throw all the unused things, you cannot put them in your home as a collection, which will cause emotional damage, you have to miss out on that thing.
  4. The major disadvantage is this if you have a big family or friend group, then you have to adjust in that space which will be uncomfortable for all the members.   

Also Read: The Role of Hobbies and Creative Pursuits in a Balanced Lifestyle

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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