Epilepsy: What Is It, Causes, and Symptoms

Epilepsy: A neurological condition known as Epilepsy is characterized by unpredictable brain activity. It may result in feelings, occasional unconsciousness, or unusual behavior, including seizures. Epilepsy may strike anyone. Men and women of different ages, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds can develop Epilepsy.
There are several possible seizure symptoms. Some people with Epilepsy temporarily lose consciousness, while others violently jerk their arms or legs during a seizure. Epilepsy may not consistently be present after a single attack. At least two unprovoked attacks occurring at least 24 hours apart are generally necessary for diagnosing Epilepsy.
Most epilepsy sufferers can control their seizures with medication, though rarely surgery is necessary. Others finally experience a stop to their strokes, while some people require continued treatment to prevent their attacks. Some young people with Epilepsy may eventually outgrow their condition.
Symptoms of Epilepsy
Since Epilepsy involves abnormal brain activity, seizures can interfere with any brain-coordinated process. The following are some seizure warning signs and symptoms:
- Temporary perplexity
- A seizure of staring
- Rigid muscles
- Jerky, uncontrollable arm and leg movements
- Loss of awareness or consciousness
- Psychological characteristics like worry, terror, or déjà vu
The particular symptoms of Eplipsy depend on the type of seizure. Since a person with Epilepsy typically tends to experience the same kind of seizure every time, the symptoms will be constant from episode to episode. Doctors typically categorize seizures as either focal or generalized according to how and where the aberrant brain activity starts.
Causes of Epilepsy
Epilepsy cannot spread. Though various underlying diseases can cause Epilepsy, in roughly 50% of cases around the world, the disease’s origin is still unknown. The following subcategories of causes of Epilepsy exist: structural, genetic, infectious, metabolic, immunological, and unknown. Examples comprise
- A severe head injury
- A stroke that reduces the amount of oxygen to the brain
- An infection of the brain, like meningitis
- Encephalitis, or neurocysticercosis
- Certain genetic syndromes
- Brain tumour
Other causes include congenital abnormalities or genetic conditions with associated brain malformations.
Does Epilepsy prevent people from driving or swimming? Can someone with Epilepsy have a regular life?
People with Epilepsy should lead regular lives with a few safeguards. First, they should avoid circumstances that could hurt them if they experience another seizure. It might entail getting close to moving objects, standing near flames, and scaling heights.
Swimming should always be done when someone aware of their medical condition is around to assist them if necessary. Up until the seizures are well-controlled with medication, driving is not advised. Every country has different legal criteria that you must follow.
If there is a diagnosis of Epilepsy, must you take medications for the rest of your life? Is Epilepsy reversible or curable, to put it briefly?
A variety of underlying brain disorders can manifest as Epilepsy. Each illness has a wide range of symptoms and therapies available. Sometimes, treatment can end after a few years of seizure-free time. However, it is advised that treatment be continued for the rest of one’s life for several other diseases, such as juvenile myoclonic Epilepsy.
Do seizures come in various forms?
Numerous types fall under the generalized and focal (or partial) seizure categories.
- Generalized seizures involve the entire brain, including absence and tonic-clonic/convulsive seizures, which people often imagine when they think of Epilepsy.
- On the other hand, focal seizures, such as simple and complex partial seizures, only affect one area of the brain.
Also Read: World Epilepsy Day: All You Need To Know