World Epilepsy Day: All You Need To Know

 World Epilepsy Day: All You Need To Know

World Epilepsy Day: The second Monday in February is International Epilepsy Day, a special awareness event to raise awareness of the difficulties faced by those with Epilepsy. This year, it falls on February 13.

Why is World epilepsy Day observed?

The fourth most prevalent neurological ailment and one of the first documented medical conditions are Epilepsy, sometimes referred to as seizure disorder. Recurrent seizures occur due to this disease, which briefly stops the electrical activity in the brain. Even though 65 million individuals worldwide have Epilepsy, the condition still carries some stigma. International Epilepsy Day is to raise awareness of Epilepsy and show people how to better care for those with it.

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide, there is an estimated 50 million epileptical patients. 80% of people with Epilepsy live in developing countries. Even though Epilepsy is treatable, three-quarters of individuals affected in developing countries do not receive the required care. For example, there are over 10 million epileptic seizures in India each year.

National Epilepsy Day in India

The Epilepsy Foundation of India initiated National Epilepsy Day to lessen the prevalence of Epilepsy in India. Dr. Nirmal Surya laid the foundation of the Epilepsy Foundation of India in 2009 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The non-profit Epilepsy Foundation of India seeks to facilitate the quality of life for those who experience seizures and to alter society’s perceptions of Epilepsy.

To increase public awareness of Epilepsy, National Epilepsy Day is celebrated on 17 November every year in India. In 2023, we can actively participate in National Epilepsy Day, urge our friends to do the same, and work to help others. Here you can learn about Epilepsy, its causes, and its symptoms from us.

We encourage those who have Epilepsy and their families to share their personal experiences as part of the day to raise awareness of the disorder, which affects over 45,000 people in Ireland. In addition, the day is to continue dispelling public myths and misconceptions about Epilepsy so that we may work together to create a society where Epilepsy restricts no one’s life.

Importantly, it is a day when we can convey to the general public exactly how critical it is to understand how to react to someone having a seizure. We, the individuals we support, and our backers are aware of how crucial this is because we must continue highlighting this sacred message to the public.

How to observe World Epilepsy Day

There are various ways to observe World Epilepsy Day :

1. Participate in the event

Many events happen worldwide on this day where you can participate and become a part of awareness.

2. Donate as much as you can

It is the best time to help people with Epilepsy and donate them to carry on the treatments. Your donation will help people fighting Epilepsy to get therapies and medication.

3. Wear the purple coloured dress

The official colour for Epilepsy Day is Purple, and You can wear this coloured dress on this day. You can even dye your hair and wear purple nail paint.

Facts about World Epilepsy Day

  • In the US, marriages were called back if the bride or the groom is found suffering from Epilepsy. It was practised until 1971.
  • People who have Epilepsy are more at risk of getting into accidents while driving motorcycles. Many countries allow driving only if you have been free from epilepsy seizures for over three years.
  • Epilepsy seizures don’t need to lead to jerking. Many times people having seizures wander around and look confused.
  • The famous musician Prince also has this health issue.


Even though Epilepsy is one of the oldest recognized medical illnesses, there is still widespread public fear and misinformation about it, which makes many individuals hesitant to discuss it. This reluctance results in lives spent in the shadows, a lack of awareness of personal risk, prejudice in the workplace and communities, and a lack of support for developing novel therapeutic approaches. Premature death occurs more frequently in those with Epilepsy than in the general population. Sudden, surprising death in Epilepsy is the most typical cause of epilepsy-related death. It can be more challenging to overcome misconceptions and prejudice for many people with Epilepsy than the seizures themselves.

The goal of International Epilepsy Day is to increase public awareness of the truth about Epilepsy and the critical need for better diagnosis, care, and research funding.


When is world epilepsy day date?

World epilepsy day is celebrated on the second Monday in February every year. In 2023 World epilepsy day date was celebrated on 13 February. World epilepsy day date 2024 is 12th February 2024.

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Priya Singh

Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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