Green Smoothie Recipe: Prepare Dairy-Free Smoothie

Green Smoothie Recipe: Green smoothies are great for many reasons, for your overall health and for adding your daily dose of fruits and vegetables quickly into your body. Smoothies are for the fiber, vitamins, and minerals they contain that sometimes we can miss in our diet. Green smoothies are great because are made with green fruits and vegetables and herbs that contain a lot of chlorophyll that protects our skin and hair and has a lot of antioxidant effects.
Dairy-Free Green Smoothie Recipe
There are many people who are intolerant to lactose and they are looking for a dairy-free option. Rice milk and almond milk are both great for smoothies. Almond milk is richer in flavor and contains vitamin E and rice milk is lighter and contains calcium (look for fortified rice milk).
A Simple Green Smoothie Recipe
Here is a simple green smoothie recipe that is done in under 3 minutes and will keep you full in the mornings.
1 cup filtered water/almond/rice milk
1 date / 1 tbs Agave syrup
1 cup fresh spinach
Ice By Choice
1 Green Apple
1 Medium Pear
1/1 banana
1 tbsp coconut oil If you are tolerant of lactose and ok with smoothies with milk, then you should have some high-protein best smoothie ingredients always in your fridge.