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Fiber Diet: Health Benefits Of High-Fiber Diet

 Fiber Diet: Health Benefits Of High-Fiber Diet

Fiber Diet: Fibre can boost your health. However, you should add fibrous foods very slowly and gradually into your daily intake so that they do not affect you adversely. Your goal should be about 25 to 30 grams of fibre a day.

  • Your breakfast should consist of one whole-grain cereal which (read the label) contains at least 5 grams of fibre in every serving. You could add raisins, banana or apple pieces to add to the taste and nutrition.
  • Eat as many raw veggies as possible in the form of salad “you could add a tasty dressing to make it more attractive. Whenever hungry between meals, try munching on carrots or celery. Can’t take raw vegetables? Then steam them or try them sauteed until they are crunchy yet tender.
  • White rice has empty calories. Substitute this with brown rice which has thrice the amount of fibre.
  • You could add beans (rajma and dry beans) to the soup. Tip: do not cook them in the same water that you have soaked them in as it will cause bloating and gas.
  • Some soft fibrous foods can also help in getting rid of constipation. Concentrate on eating a fibre-rich breakfast.

What is Fiber?

Fiber is a carbohydrate that the body is unable to digest. While fibre cannot be converted into sugar molecules like the majority of carbohydrates can, it nevertheless goes through the body undigested. Most carbohydrates are converted into sugar molecules called glucose. In order to control appetite and blood sugar levels, fibre helps the body consume glucose in a more controlled manner.

Dietary fibre is a type of fibre found in the diet. These are compounds found in plants that cannot be digested on their own but are crucial for the proper operation of the digestive system. The walls of the body’s cells are made of fibres. They are insoluble in enzymes. This makes them inedible.

Benefits of a high-fiber diet

A diet high in fibre not only promotes regular bowel movements but also maintains the health of the stomach and lowers the risk of obesity, constipation, piles, and heart disease. In addition, fibre is particularly beneficial for diabetic individuals. This maintains a steady blood sugar level.

Though certain health conditions cannot be totally avoided, you can deal with them better by adding adequate fibre to your diet. Below are some health conditions, where fiber addition can help.

  1. Stokes and heart conditions
  2. Constipation and piles
  3. Diabetes
  4. Diverticulosis
  5. Appendicitis
  6. Lose weight
  7. Impotence
  8. Cancer
  9. Strong Bones
  10.  Increased Beneficial Gut Bacteria

1. Strokes and heart conditions

Soluble fibre can help eliminate cholesterol that can cause a heart attack or stroke. Available in oatmeal, in fruits like oranges, and in veggies like ladyfinger.

2. Constipation and Piles

Intake of fibre can prevent constipation. There will be no need to take any laxatives if your fibre intake is adequate. Available in fruits like apples, roots like sweet potatoes, and grains like barley and dried beans.

3. Diabetes

The body becomes better equipped to handle insulin and glucose. Replace refined carbs with whole grains. Available in whole wheat bread, crackers, and wheat products are made from bran

Also Read: Dietary Fibre: Why It Is so Important?

4. Diverticulosis

The muscles of the intestine get totally toned up when processing fibrous foods. This prevents pouches from forming in the intestines which can become painfully inflamed.

5. Appendicitis

Intake of fibre-rich fruits like apricots and peaches can prevent the development of appendicitis as they help in keeping the bowels soft

6. Lose weight

By eating fibre-rich foods you consume less fat and fewer calories. Fibre satisfies the palate faster and you feel fuller after eating fibre. After a satisfying fibre-rich meal, top it with a fruit dessert made up of plums, strawberries or peaches. You can add cinnamon for taste.

7. Impotence

Deal with impotence the fibrous way! Lower your cholesterol with foods like Brussel sprouts, zucchini and beans which help in unclogging the blood vessels. L-arginine, a protein found in beans helps to improve potency. You can get the benefits of l arginine including foods high in arginine.

8. Cancer

A high-fibre diet can help prevent colon and rectal cancer. The fibre speeds up digestion and the throwing out of unhealthy cancer-causing compounds from the digestive system.

So just load up your diet with whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and veggies and power yourself to good health the natural way!

9. Strong Bones

Dietary fibres improve bone health by enhancing mineral absorption, retention, and solubilization after fermentation in the lower gut.

The best effects on bone properties are seen with soluble corn fibre and soluble fibre dextrin, which increased cortical thickness and area, whole-body bone mineral content and density, as well as the distal femur’s peak-breaking strength.

10. Increased Beneficial Gut Bacteria

Dietary Fiber Influences Gut Microbiota Composition. Consuming a lot of fibre is linked to a more diverse gut bacteria and less long-term weight gain. 

In the large intestine, there are numerous microbiota species defined as fibre fermenters, as well as various types of dietary fibre, all of which are broken down. Increased fibre consumption changes the nutritional niches in the intestine, allowing these bacteria to proliferate.

Figs as a Source of Fibre

Figs are a great source of fibre and they can be taken as a snack when you are hungry. It will also satisfy your sweet tooth. Can be taken during coffee breaks in the office too. Toss a few figs into any green salad “they not only add flavour and taste but texture as well. When blended with low-fat cream or cottage cheese they can be used as a spread for toast or you can use it as a dip for fresh fruit. They can add crunch to your cereal when chopped and put on cold cereal or oatmeal.

Manish Kumar


Manish Kumar is a digital marketer by profession and have worked in health industry for more than 5 years. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a certified naturopathist, a yoga and meditation practitioner since a long time.

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