Fermented Foods: Healthiest Fermented Foods For Healthy Gut

 Fermented Foods: Healthiest Fermented Foods For Healthy Gut

Fermented Foods: In today’s chemical-driven world, household products, cosmetics, antibiotics, and processed food are destroying and exterminating those helpful bacteria inside your body. This will likely cause health issues and disease. Fortunately, fermented food may undo the destruction and recover the balance of your internal gut flora to keep you healthy and free of diseases.

What Are Fermented Foods?

Fermentation is a way of preserving food that dates back thousands of years. In addition to preserving food, fermenting provides many health benefits. The fermentation process creates an assortment of valuable and beneficial enzymes, vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and many strains of probiotics. Consuming fermented foods will increase antibodies and build a stronger immune system. Enzymes and probiotics aid in appetite control and lessen cravings for sugar and processed carbohydrates. Fermented vegetables, in particular, can greatly reduce candida in the gut.

Eating fermented foods not only improves food preservation but also increases the probiotics, or good bacteria, in your stomach. Probiotics are linked to a number of health advantages, including greater immunity, better digestion, and even more rapid weight loss.

Disadvantages of fermented foods

Please be aware that consuming a large portion of fermented foods can create a healing crisis and aggravate your system. Probiotics in a fermented food will kill off pathogens in your gut and when the pathogens die, they discharge potent toxins. You should gradually start with a little bit of fermented food at a time; for instance, one small bowl of kimchi or one teaspoon of sauerkraut with your meal.

Top 10 Fermented Foods & Vegetables

Although there are many probiotic pills on the market, fermented foods include probiotics that are more naturally occurring, healthier, and more diversified. Below is a list of the top 10 fermented foods & vegetables.

  1. Kefir/Yogurt
  2. Sauerkraut
  3. Kimchi
  4. Kombucha
  5. Miso
  6. Apple cider vinegar
  7. Pickles
  8. Raw cheeses
  9. Tempeh
  10. Natto

1. Kefir/Yogurt

Kefir/ Yogurt is a fermented milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk). Additionally, kefir and yogurt consist of high levels of vitamin b12, calcium, magnesium, biotin, folate, enzyme, and probiotics. It improves immunity, restores irritable bowel disease, shapes bone density, fights allergies, wipes out candida and reforms digestion. Store-bought yogurts or kefir ingredients consist of lots of sugar and additives, so you can make your own or buy plain yogurt.

2. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that is packed with dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and B. As a matter of fact, it contains a high source of iron, copper, calcium, sodium, manganese, and magnesium.

3. Kimchi

Kimchi is also fermented cabbage, made with spices, garlic, and other seasonings. Not to mention its benefits to help your immune system fight the flu and common cold.

4. Kombucha

Kombucha is fermented black tea. It is a carbonated drink that tastes like vinegar and consists of vitamin B, enzymes, probiotics and a concentration of acid. Drinking Kombucha is great for detoxes, boosts energy, supports weight loss, benefits the immune system, lowers joint pains and cancer prevention.

5. Miso

Miso is fermented soybean, barley or brown rice with a fungus called koji. Moreover, miso is great with seaweed and tofu as a soup, but it can be used as a soup base for any kind of soup.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented apple cider made into vinegar. Also, ACV is a benefit in curing a plethora of health conditions. Drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a whole glass of water with a few dashes of cayenne pepper and turmeric every morning to rid yourself of colds, flu and allergies.

7. Pickles

Pickles are fermented cucumbers or other vegetables that are made with salt and vinegar and other spices. Furthermore, it consists of many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and friendly gut bacteria. It is great with sandwiches or eats it by itself for a great low-calorie snack. When picking a jar of pickles you should read the ingredient first many brands add other preservatives that are not healthy for you. Or better yet, make your own.

8. Raw Cheeses:

Raw cheeses are formed with milk that hasn’t been pasteurized. Typically goat milk, sheep milk, and cow milk are used. Additionally, raw cheeses are great for probiotics such as thermophilous,bifudus, bulgaricus, and acidophilus. These probiotics will kill bad bacteria in your body and help increase immune system functions.

Also Read: High-Fibre Foods – Essential For A Healthy Diet

9. Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented soybean that contains an abundant amount of protein and amino acids. In addition, it helps lower cholesterol, boosts bone density, decreases menopausal symptoms, and benefits muscle recovery. Also, it consists of high levels of vitamins B5, B6 and B2. Tempeh is a great source of protein, containing the same amount of protein as meat.

10. Natto

Natto is a famous dish in Japan containing fermented soybeans. Furthermore, it has a potent culture of the probiotic Bacillus subtilis, which is proven to help the immune system and cardiovascular health. Also, it boosts the digestion of vitamin K2. Most importantly, it contains a mighty anti-inflammatory enzyme called nattokinase which is known to combat cancer.

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Dipak Singh


Dipak is a close follower of yoga, meditation, health and everything that has the word 'health' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the health world. He can always be seen surfing the web and while he’s not working, you can find him watching games.

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