How Can Corporate Massage Increase Work Productivity

 How Can Corporate Massage Increase Work Productivity

Corporate massage in the workplace is an effective strategy to lower work-related stress and increase productivity. It also helps in fulfilling the employer’s responsibility toward employees’ health as per the Occupation Health and Safety Legislation.

Corporate massage or chair massage as it is commonly known is a cost-effective way of lowering health care costs for employers. Some of the benefits of corporate massage include, increased alertness, increased production, boosts morale, and decreases absenteeism.

Corporate massage or chair massage has become one of the most popular health benefits requested in the workplace. With the increased pressure on employees and the physical demands of sitting at the computer table for long hours, it has become important to reduce work-related stress.

Using corporate massage as a regular employee benefit or wellness package can be an asset to the human resource department because it helps in reducing tension and fatigue and increases productivity.

Corporate massage is performed on-site, with no oils on employees being fully clothed. The massage routine is well-structured and is administered in a special chair provided by the massage practitioner. The massage can be adjusted to individual needs focusing on the back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands, and is for a duration of 15-20 minutes. Corporate massage has also proved to be a healthier option to have in the workplace than a coffee vending machine.

According to research, about 90% of diseases are stress-related. The study also shows that including corporate massage in the workplace helps in motivating team members and gives them a feeling of being valuable to the company.

Benefits of Corporate Massage

Relief from Fatigue and Stress

With just a 15-20 minute massage you can help employees get rid of workplace stress and fatigue. Corporate massage helps by relaxing the muscles and soothing the spirit. According to a survey by Time magazine, workers preferred massages over coffee breaks.

Increased Morale

Corporate massage directly affects employee morale and productivity. Recently Fortune magazine featured 100 companies that offered corporate massage as one of their perks. These benefits showed a direct correlation between the success of the business and employee attitude. The corporate massage was found to have empowered workers which in turn positively affected the success of the business.

Alert Minds

Corporate massage also helps an individual to think clearly. According to Dr. Tiffany Fields, just a 15-minute massage can greatly increase alertness and productivity.

Enhances the Body and Increases Brain Power

According to the Miami Research Institute of Florida, employees who had a 15-minute massage completed a math test more quickly and with fewer errors. Corporate massage also benefits other parts of the body and relieves headaches, and backaches, lower blood pressure, relieve muscle spasm and increase blood circulation.

Cost Effective Strategy

Any business knows the importance of keeping that cutting edge over competitors in the field. What better way is there to keep your employees performing ‘top notch’ all the time than by offering them corporate massages?

Happy employees are more productive and this in turn will help the organization perform better. The fact is that regular benefits like corporate massages help employees feel valued and this increases loyalty to the company. If the employees are happy, they are not going to look elsewhere for jobs with better perks.

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The Figures Speak

In ascertaining whether corporate massage is beneficial to employees it is best to let the figures speak. After a year-long research study performed at 3M in Austin, Texas, the results of the survey were:

  • 99% of the employees indicated muscular release
  • 99.7% believed that corporate massage should be accessible to all employees
  • 91.8% planned to continue the massage
  • 79.5% agreed that corporate massage is an on-site necessity in the workplace
  • 91.9% indicated enhanced well-being
  • 88.9% indicated a reduction in stress

Corporate massage is definitely an asset to any company as it, directly and indirectly, increases work productivity.

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Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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