International Day Of Families

 International Day Of Families

International day of families is celebrated on May 15th every year worldwide. This day is celebrated worldwide as it helps raise awareness about families and their unity. Undoubtedly every person needs a family; however, all of us must try to maintain good relations with our family as it can help tackle all the situations of society. Every family has some everyday problems which are not easily restrained, but with the help of the international day of families, we can fill the gap between family members. I take all the appropriate actions needed for the peace and unity of the family. In this article, we will provide information regarding the international day of families, its history, theme, significance, the purpose of celebrating the family day, activities performed on this day, timeline, facts, conclusion, FAQs, etc.

History Of The International Day Of Families

United Nations initiated the idea of forming an international day for families. After watching many families being dispersed due to various family issues, they took the initiative. There are lots of people who have lost their families due to multiple problems. They decided to form a particular day on which they could take preventive measures to save these families. They taught them all the possibilities to keep the relations. Later in 1993, formed this resolution to help motivate people to examine all the necessary needs and how to work on them.

 All the family members must work mutually to maintain good relations. International day of the family is a global occasion, and it helps many people cope with family issues and strengthen their ties. Families play an essential role in the development of society and the individual. On the occasion of international family day, various campaigns and sessions in which people talks about their issues and got answers from their expertise.   

The International Day Of Families Theme 2022

The theme of international family day 2022 was “ families and urbanization. “. We all need to get familiar with urbanization policies to get all the necessary amenities to fulfill our needs. Urbanization helps to provide a bridge of support among families in all nations. There is no doubt that urbanization helps families to shape up in a new and different form. It benefits the overall being of the families extraordinarily.  

Significance Of International Day Of Families

International day of families is an important day in the history of the world. It is a robust approach that helps to maintain the relations of the family all around the world. It works as a support system for all those families who have been suffering from any issue. The prime motive of the international day of families is to raise awareness about the problems ad issues that impact family relationships in destructive ways. It discusses all the social, domestic, and economic issues affecting the family’s growth. 

Purpose Of Celebrating International Day Of Families

The united nation organized international family day on May 15. This day was established in the year 1993. We all know that family planning plays a vital role in every individual’s life and is an essential social element. International families day was an idea of the united nation secretary general; he requested the policymakers to settle the problems in the family system just like children who have both working parents do not spend time with their children, which affects their life. So policymakers make policies to provide a good family environment because impairing the red family function cannot build a better society.

Activities Performed On International Day Of Families 2022 

  1. The public exhibition was organized to provide information about the importance of families.
  2. Seminars were organized in different countries to provide information about family-affecting policies. 
  3. On this day, organized different activities to spend time together 
  4. Family members go hiking and tracking 
  5. Going to beech and sea 
  6. Making dinner together 
  7. Play indoor activities with your children 
  8. You can spend time with your children while drawing, coloring, painting, sketching, etc. these activities also help your children in their growing school life 
  9. Cake decoration activities are also perfect. For example, you can buy a cake from any bakery and decorate it with your children. This activity can improve the innovative ideas of your children 
  10. Kitchen gardening is also considered a perfect activity 
  11. Campaign to the nearest site is the best activity which has a lot of fun, and you can spend a lot of time with your family 
  12. Decorating your house and arranging your family picture makes a lot of fun and strong relationships between families.

Timeline Of International Day Of Families

479 BC  A Chinese philosopher was born in 479 BC. 
1921 This year the united state census data was destroyed by fire.
1998 Rob Parsons established the family care organization.  
1996 The genealogy company gives 14 million rupees to subscribe to access documents to find their job history. 

International Day Of Families Tradition 

Every family is unique, and people use the traditional way to celebrate international family day. On this day, the family sit together and share their life with their children, mother, father, etc. this day celebrate like a festival in all many countries. This day is a massive opportunity for the family members to express their feeling o  their parents, children, grandparents, etc., and also tell them how you feel about them and how lucky you are to have parents like them. You also go nay restaurants, beaches, and movies to spend a lovely time with your family.

Dates Of International Day Of Families

Year  Day  Date 
2023 May 15  Monday 
2024 May 15  Wednesday 
2025 May 15  Thursday 
2026 May 15  Friday
2027 May 15  Saturday 

Facts About International Day Of Families

  1. The number of families declined where children live with their parents
  2. Nowadays, single parents are on the rise 
  3. According to the reports, the number of houses where a couple who live together without marriage but who has children has increased the percentage of a 7%
  4. America is the 1st country who adopt almost 135,000 children


International day of families is a worldwide occasion celebrated on May 15. All countries celebrate this day to raise awareness about tackling family issues and their impact on a person’s life. Specific policies were formed so that people should maintain all the rules created to shape the family. We can discuss our concerns in the campaigns organized by various organizations, which stimulates the chances of maintaining family relations. 


1. What is the maximum time that a family spends together? 

Ans: Thirty-seven minutes is the average quality time together every day.

2. What is the main reason to celebrate International Family Day?

Ans: The main aim is to promote awareness and the importance of family.

3. When was this day’s first time celebrated?

Ans: The international day of the family was celebrated first time in the year 1994 

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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