Is Your Child Overweight? How to Tell

Children are cute, huggable, and kissable when they are chubby. However, one must not forget that being fat or chubby is not the sole indicator that one is, indeed, healthy. In fact, being fat may preclude the existence of some serious health issues that may come out later if not sooner in your child’s life. This is why parents need to check whether their children are growing with the right weight to avoid having health problems later.
If you want to know whether your child’s body size is the right one for his age, check out the following tips:
Compare your child’s body size with his or her schoolmates
One of the easiest ways to tell if your child is overweight is to take a good look at your child’s classmates. It is also important to take a look at the fat distribution of their bodies. Take notice of their body size and shape while comparing it with your own child’s. Make sure to compare your child’s body size to anyone in school with the same level or grade. Looking at other kids will help you obtain a fair indication of what the average and above-average size would be for your child’s age.
Figure out their BMI
The BMI, also known as the body mass index is a quick and easy way to tell if your child is healthy. By using your child’s height and weight measurements, you should be able to estimate a person’s body fat. While conducting this formula on your own can be complicated, it’s best that you use one of the many free calculators online that can help you figure out the number.
Take a look at your child’s family tree
This is where you will be able to figure out whether you or your husband comes from a family where the majority is born with obese or overweight bodies. Once you have confirmed that either or both sides have “bigger” sizes, then you should start coming up with a nutritional plan for your child.
Check out some of your family photos
Try to look at the pictures of your family members and check whether their body sizes have made significant changes aside from the fact that they are getting older. If your family member has been obviously having leaner
body shapes over the years despite their age, then it is possible that your child is gaining more weight than he needs to.
Consult with a doctor
Your child’s doctor is the best person to ask whenever you need clarification regarding your child’s weight. The doctor will be the one to assess the BMI or Body Mass Index. The doctor will also help you conduct periodic monitoring of your child’s growth to ensure that your child will continue to grow at a normal weight.
Close monitoring of your child’s weight is a must if you want your child to grow not necessarily with a lean or slim body but one that is healthy enough to fight against any serious disease. Remember that a healthier body will give your child the right amount of confidence that he needs while he grows to be a mature individual. Physical looks can greatly spell the difference between confidence and shyness which could directly impact how he wanted to achieve his goals in life. By following these tips mentioned above, you can hopefully get your child on the healthy track for the future.
Also Read: How To Lose Weight In 3 Simple Steps