Weight Loss Tips: Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods!

 Weight Loss Tips: Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods!

Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods: It is no wonder for everybody losing weight takes much time and effort to achieve an effective result. You may face many obstacles that can hamper your process on your way. I assure you that getting a perfect outcome is easy and possible. Desire, inclination, and patience are keys to your goal. I would like to share my own experience of how I could shed 50 pounds thanks to eating raw foods.

I guess it seems to you pretty weird and impossible but it is really true. I tried lots of ways to lose weight effectively but they don’t work as my weight came back and even I got extra weight. I make sure that all diets for 1 week or less are not effective and moreover these diet plans can have a bad impact on your body. You have to feed the whole body with all necessary nutritional needs but you don’t make it as you try to stick to your diet plan that is not crammed with vitamins and minerals.

Losing Weight is a Slow Process

You should realize that the losing weight process takes a lot of time. It is not possible to reduce your weight quickly as you can hurt your body. I have eaten raw foods for 2 months and I lost 50 pounds this time. You don’t need to do regular exercises and other stuff it is enough to eat 5-6 times per day in small portions. I can say that I love running and other physical activities such as swimming, walking, and various exercises. It will just boost the process of losing weight and make your body stronger and more enduring. If you like walking in the evening, it is enough 30 minutes to stay vigorous and keep your body in tune.

Also Read: What Is The Raw Food Diet? Is it Healthy?

Benefits of natural raw foods

Many specialists recommend people consume raw foods because of their actual benefits. It can boost the cholesterol level, immune and digestive system, help to reduce weight, and get fit. It is a great way to detoxify your body. For example, drinking green tea and warm water with lemon can neutralize and clean the body. Fruits, berries, and veggies are kings of possible nutrients. Eating 5 colorful fruits and veggies every day will supply you with all your nutritional needs. Porridges such as rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, and millet are pretty useful and healthy. Add fruits, berries, honey, or jam, and make your porridge more delicious and nutritious. That’s what I used to do every morning.

It is pretty significant to consume only boiled, stewed, and raw food. Fried foods are not quite helpful for the body as they can cause much discomfort. Before starting to eat raw food I liked fried meals but I always feel heartburn and get extra calories. Try to mix up vegetable and fruit salads with lemon juice, olive oil, or sunflower oil, but use it in moderate quantities as it contains many calories.

Foods for thinking

To tell the truth, with the advent of my raw diet I attempted to count my calories but I quit this stuff as it dawned on me it was a waste of time. Raw food actually consists of fruits, veggies, porridges, nuts, and water that have only all the necessary vitamins and minerals for our body. The food has calories that can be useful for your health and form good fats that don’t make you obese.

Healthy tips for you

This is one of my best diets ever as it has many benefits. You lose your weight for 2 months almost 50 pounds and I can assure you your weight won’t come back if you start to eat other food. Just try to stick to the plan: eat a lot of times but in small portions. Don’t consume food for 2 hours before going to sleep. Your stomach must relax, and not work at night. Moreover, you can improve your general state and get fit.

Eat as many possible boiled, stewed, and raw meals, fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, and porridges. Drink 7-8 glasses of water every day as the body consists of 70 % water content. Get rid of your bad habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and overeating. It is desirable to take up physical exercises to make your body quite stronger and get more energy.

It is hard to start off but when you get used to a raw diet you will feel great and encouraged. You can do the things that you really want earlier because you have more power and desire to achieve something new. It is kind of you are getting addicted to becoming successful.

Also Read: Weight Loss Tips: Yoga, Pranayama, and Asanas For Weight Loss

Prakhar Singh


A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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