Lose Belly Fat: How to Lose Belly Fat in 10 Easy Steps

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Lose Belly Fat: Here are 10 tips that helped me to lose belly fat.
1. Know How Many Calories Your Body Needs
Before starting a diet you have to know how many calories your body needs to start losing weight. In general, you must eat up to 500 fewer calories a day to lose about a pound a week.
2. Eat Fruits and Vegetables
We must eat at least five servings a day – it helps to have a healthy body because they contain fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Eating between meals helps to be free from hunger and keeps metabolism high.
3. Pay attention to calories and amounts of food
Avoid foods too high in calories and eat small portions of up to 6-7 times a day. A good trick is to eat less to chew slowly, the body needs up to 10 minutes to feel full.
4. Do not skip meals
When trying to lose belly is tempting lunch. Lunch only lose water and muscle mass, but fat 0. It’s really the opposite of what we research. Eat regular small meals helps lose weight by keeping the metabolism high.
5. Do not go without food too
It’s okay to eat an occasional piece of birthday cake, but do not abuse it and eat every day.
6. Simple and natural foods
Of pre-prepared meals are too high in sodium and fat. Eating natural foods is very good for losing belly.
7. Avoid low-fat or 0% fat
Low fat does not necessarily mean low in calories. Same with products low in sugar. The best way is to look at the ingredients. If you do not know them and are chemicals in large part, should be avoided.
8. Avoid packaged juice
Fruit juices are not as good as everyone thinks. They contain a lot of sugar. Instead, follow the rule to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
9. Maintain a food diary
If possible, keep a food diary. This will help keep control of what you eat, find errors and improve aspects of your nutrition.
10. Do regular physical activity
Do not forget physical activity. Thirty to sixty minutes per day are needed to stay healthy and help you lose belly fat fast. Tip: weight training is extremely effective for weight loss.