Oregano Oil – The Best Immunity Booster

 Oregano Oil – The Best Immunity Booster

Oregano oil is known as the one immunity booster and one of the most potent natural remedies found in nature. It is a good source of vitamins A, C, and E as well as carbs, protein, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. In addition, it contains beneficial minerals like thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.

What is oregano oil?

Oregano oil is extracted from the leaves of oregano, which is a member of the mint family. It has tons of health benefits and the main purpose of this multi-beneficial oil is to remove harmful bacteria from our organisms. In addition, it is a treatment mainly for treating Candida Albicans and other harmful bacteria diseases such as E.Coli and Salmonella; but it also helps with other health-related issues such as regulation of menstrual cycle, good digestion, and muscle discomfort/joint pain.

Benefits and disadvantages of Oregano oil

Here we share some facts about this supernatural remedy and how it can be implemented daily. One tip – when buying oregano oil, make sure the oil is wild organic oregano oil of good quality.

9 benefits and uses of oregano oil

  1. Oregano oil is very rich in some essential nutrients and vitamins such as iron, calcium, and niacin.
  2. If you have menstrual problems or having difficulties during menopause, try implementing oregano oil into your daily routine. It is confirmed that oregano oil helps with irregular menstruation and different health problems due to menopause.
  3. Oregano Oil is one of the best things to use when treating nail or foot fungus.
  4. Oregano Oil is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial agents and treats several infections; such as E.Coli, Salmonella, and Candida.
  5. The way to treat a severe case of Candida is to take up to 6 drops of pure organic oregano oil 1-3 times a day and drink it with water or juice.
  6. Oregano Oil is one of the best remedies for muscle and joint pain, cramps, and other injuries because it helps pull the toxins out of the injured area.
  7. For generally maintaining good vitality and health, take 1-3 drops of organic oregano oil mixed with juice or water. It will make wonders for your immune system.
  8. Make a pause when using oregano oil. Use it for 15 days, rest up to 10 days and then start again. Oregano oil is really potent so don’t use it all the time.
  9. Use it during the autumn and winter times in order to prevent and treat flu and other types of colds that can be damaging to your immunity. Also is common to treat cold sores and other skin infections.

Also Read: Natural Herbal Remedies – Benefits and Uses

Disadvantages of Oregano oil

The following are some ajwain oil drawbacks.

  • You should abstain from consuming this oil if you are pregnant or lactating. If you wish to consume, you should absolutely talk to your doctor first.
  • Before using Oregano Oil, talk to your doctor if you are currently taking any form of medication for a medical condition.
  • Oregano Oil shouldn’t be consumed if your blood pressure continues to be low, because this oil lowers the level of blood pressure more.
  • Always combine celery oil with any other oil you use on your skin before applying it as this oil may cause allergic reactions in certain people.

Dipak Singh


Dipak is a close follower of yoga, meditation, health and everything that has the word 'health' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the health world. He can always be seen surfing the web and while he’s not working, you can find him watching games.

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