The Vegetarian Diet: How To Get The Best Nutrition

 The Vegetarian Diet: How To Get The Best Nutrition

The Vegetarian Diet: What exactly do the words ‘vegan’ or ‘vegetarian’ mean? Few may know that being a vegan involves eating absolutely no meat products (and this includes eggs) and no dairy products. Honey also is not allowed and vegans instead take only plant products.’ Vegetarians’ is a little more relaxed and dairy products, and sometimes even eggs, are included. Even if your intention is to just cut down your daily meat intake, you might find this article useful.

Becoming A Vegetarian – Non-veg to Vegan or Vegetarian

Becoming a vegetarian or planning to change diet from non-veg to vegan or vegetarian. It would do you good to have a complete medical check-up if you are intending to go in for a total change of diet. If you have been a confirmed meat eater, the changeover is obviously going to be tough. There are people who cannot even imagine a diet that does not include meat in some form or the other. For these, it is probably wiser to start and proceed in small stages as you could begin by excluding one form of meat at a time. You could, as a first step, give up eating pork/ red meat/ poultry/ fish well you got to begin somewhere About six weeks down the line, you will find yourself running out of meat categories and well on the way to becoming vegetarian! This way, you get used to the slow transition and will certainly be able to sustain a meatless diet until it becomes a habit.

Those who feel bold enough to make the change in one stroke are generally not able to withstand this total transition and may be tempted to give up midway in sheer frustration. People suffering from anaemia might find it difficult to turn veggie, but even they could take iron supplements that will help in dealing with their cravings. Let’s begin at the very beginning. Before you really go healthy vegetarian diet, take these few steps as a preparation

  • Make a list of all the meatless dishes you already enjoy
  • Browse through vegetarian cookbooks and write down recipes that sound appealing to you
  • Go to a local natural food store and check out some vegetarian foods. Try a few products made with soy

Vegetarian substitute for non-vegetarian diet

There are a few foods that are guaranteed to help you in turning veggie.


Most people dread the idea of getting used to this soya product on a daily basis. This is in itself a turn-off to all your noble intentions. Tofu is high in calcium and is almost a complete protein supplement. You have to take good care in preparing your tofu dishes and experiment with different preparations till you arrive at the one best suited to your taste. By adding this non-animal protein and calcium to your daily diet, you can replace your meat recipes.

Milk alternatives

As we said earlier, being a vegan means no dairy products either. Again, it is soya milk that comes to your rescue. It might taste a bit funny in the beginning, but it is all a question of getting used to a particular taste. You will find that most of these soya milk products are well fortified with added calcium and vitamins, and they make a good substitute for regular milk.

Veggie burgers/Hotdogs

Veggie burgers and hotdogs are also one of the best alternatives if you are looking for a change in diet. Many multinational food chains bring new dishes, different varieties of veggie burgers, and hotdogs, who want to cash in on the growing veggie trend. These make a good substitute for meat as they simulate the taste of a purely vegetarian dish.


Many vegetarians increase their intake of cheese and cheese products in order to make up for the protein they were having in meat dishes. Most cheeses contain casein, a milk protein.


Yeast gives a nice flavour when added to foods and also gives additional protein, amino acids, and vitamin B12.

Protein powders

Protein powders are available in different flavours and also give added nutrition to your daily diet.

Vegetarian Recipes To Change Your Taste

All you have to do is to research and find vegetarian recipes that are to your taste. Get ready with 8 to 10 recipes, and then you can use one every day. The important thing is to be aware of your nutritional needs and include enough of these in your diet. Our bodies especially need the following:


Made up mostly of amino acids. Both animal and soy products are complete in amino acids. Though most plant foods do have a variety of these amino acids, you have to make a judicious selection in order to see that all of them find a place in your diet.

  • green leafy vegetables
  • grains
  • beans
  • tofu
  • nuts
  • nutritional yeast
  • seeds
  • legumes

These should be part of your staple diet. Adult males require 50 – 60 gms and women about 40 – 50 gms of protein intake daily.


Especially important for women who need proper calcium intake to be fortified against brittle bones in old age. Again, all soy products are fortified with additional calcium and you could safely go in for these.

Vitamin B12

As very few non-animal sources contain this important vitamin, go in for vitamin supplements and fortified soy milk. About 3 mg is what you need on a daily basis.


There is generally no problem with iron as it is freely available in any vegetarian diet. All green leafy vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains contain adequate iron. Especially recommended is spinach which by itself, is sufficient for your quota of iron. Still, concerned? Go in for a multivitamin that has iron also, but take it only for short periods and always follow your doctor’s advice on this.

Also Read: Diet Tips: Focusing On Your Diet During Festivals


All set then? Remember, the important thing is to stick by your decision, which we think, will be easier now with all the hints and tips we have provided. See that you follow your regimen even when you are eating out, whether at a friend’s place or in a restaurant without being conspicuous or loudly proclaiming your new status. You will only succeed in annoying people around you. Just make a routine for yourself that is easy to follow and stick to it.

You will definitely succeed and find it rewarding, whatever your initial reason for becoming vegetarian might have been!

Want to make simple and delicious vegan meals but don’t know how?

Don’t know how to prepare vegan meals. Here is our product pick which will help you to prepare easy and tasty vegan meals.

Our current product pick is called VEGANIFY – Vegan Recipe Cookbook

This digital cookbook was designed to completely change the game. It contains 200 ridiculously delicious, simple recipes that everyone will enjoy!

Dipak Singh

Dipak is a close follower of yoga, meditation, health and everything that has the word 'health' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the health world. He can always be seen surfing the web and while he’s not working, you can find him watching games.

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