World Breastfeeding Week: History, and Importance

World breastfeeding week is celebrated from the 1st – 7th of august. It is also known as breastfeeding week. It is a considerable occasion held all over the world every year. UNICEF initiated World breastfeeding week. They also help the whole world to know about the importance of breastfeeding from the begging of a newborn. It is a traditional practice that has been done for ages. Various people don’t know much about breastfeeding. However, UNICEF will help people to regain knowledge about this topic.
Breastfeeding is considered essential until the first six months after the children’s birth. It is believed that other things, except breast milk, can cause an issue in children’s growth. Until 1 year, no additional liquid is given to the child except breast milk. It is a good resource for the development of the newborn. However, many women use this practice to boost the growth of their children. Some women do not prefer breastfeeding, resulting in a weak child’s immune system. The estimate of breastfeeding mothers is relatively lower around the whole world. Various children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of breast milk. In India, it is said that breastfeeding is the best method to strengthen the relationship between tween the mother and the newborn, and it is seen that almost every mother breastfeeds their children as it is considered the traditional practice here.
History Of World Breastfeeding Week
World breastfeeding day is a week-long global event held every year. Its been 31 years since the world’s breastfeeding has been celebrated continuously. The initiative of world breastfeeding week was inaugurated in August 1992. The world alliance for breastfeeding action ( WABA ). In 1991, UNICEF and WHO worked together to improve the relationship between the mother and newborn child. Breastfeeding helps to improve the nutrition of the body of the child. However, breastfeeding helps to provide better and improved life.
The Theme Of World Breastfeeding Week
The theme for world breastfeeding week 2022 was “step up for breastfeeding – educate and support”. People are not educated enough about the importance of breastfeeding. However, WHO is organizing various programs which will help to gain more and more education about breastfeeding. We need to raise awareness about this topic.
How Can Breastfeeding Avert Malnutrition?
Breastfeeding is considerably a hub of nutrition for the newborn child. However, it benefits the children by working over their weight. Some doctors prefer breastfeeding underweight children as it will help them regain nutrition from the milk. Breastfeeding till six years is necessary to recover the health of the child. However, various organizations have given their statement on this verse. Every child needs good health till two years to work for themselves. However, different children who don’t get breastfed face malnutrition.
Breastfeeding is the root of a child’s better and more developed life. With the help of constant breastfeeding from 4 months – 2 years can help in averting malnutrition in children. It is seen that breastfeeding kids tend to grow more healthy and developed than those who have not interacted with this practice since their birth. Usually, we see those children around slum areas barely have good health. Because they do not get enough breast milk for their growth later, they will be exposed to various harmful diseases. The health of these remains the same as their foundation for growth was already so weak.
Mothers need to use this practice at a higher level as it is necessary for the baby’s growth. Likewise, if the growing age of health is not good, it will also cause various diseases during the teenage years. Everyone around the mother should help her get a safe and supportive atmosphere for breastfeeding the child to benefit the child’s health later.
Importance Of Breastfeeding Week
Breastfeeding is the most traditional practice that forces ages. Breastfeeding protects the child from various infections which can cause after birth. However, it will also cover the newborn from various severe diseases, as it can safeguard the child’s health. As I have said before, breastfeeding does help not only the child but also helps the mother. It helps create a healthy uterus for the mother after delivery, and the women tend to recover earlier than usual. It is seen that those women who practice regular breastfeeding are likely to suffer breast and other cancers.
Breast milk is indeed an essential part of the growth of the child. It will help to provide all enough nutrients that children need t grow healthier. The immune system of newborn babies is relatively weak. However, it will be easy for the baby to digest it more quickly as it is lite in texture. World breastfeeding day will help educate women and raise awareness against breastfeeding t the newborn. It will help new mothers know more about the benefits and importance of breast milk in a children’s life.
Benefits Of Breastfeeding Week
World breastfeeding day is crucial as it can help people gain more knowledge about its importance. However, some of the benefits of breastfeeding are as follows:
- It is believed that breast milk is the most critical factor for the health of the baby. It will help to gain the required growth for the children. Breastfeeding helps in providing all the essential nutrients needed for the newborn to grow nicely.
- Breast milk is the primary source to help strengthen the baby’s health. It is done because breast milk helps provide enough antibodies to the child to fight infections and other diseases.
- Breastfeeding helps to provide enough strength to the body, and the child can also fight various infections.
- Even mothers recover soon due to the regular practice of breastfeeding as it will help stop the bleeding much sooner and strengthen the uterus.
Breastfeeding is an important and global event that occurs every year. The main goal of world breastfeeding week is to motivate people to know more about the immiscible benefits of breast milk. These benefits can help the children to grow more healthy and prosperous. It focuses on providing significant nutritional value to infants. World Breastfeeding day will help regain women’s right to breastfeed anywhere as it is a concerning issue against the exploitation rights of women. And it even supports the mothers to get a better and safe environment for their children and themselves.
Who created breastfeeding week?
Breastfeeding week was created by the WABA. It was initiated in 1992 since then, it has been celebrated all over the world at a greater level. Various organizations contribute this week by organizing seminars and a cultural program so that everyone knows breastfeeding practices and their need in today’s world.
What is the theme for world breastfeeding day 2022?
The theme for world breastfeeding day 2022 was “ STEP UP FOR BREASTFEEDING .”It will help motivate people to use breastfeeding to provide all essential nutrients to the infant’s body.
What are the types of breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is of many types: cradle hold, side-lying position, upright breastfeeding, koala breastfeeding, cross–cradle breastfeeding, rugby ball hold, laid-back breastfeeding, etc.
Which vitamin is present in breast milk?
Vitamin D is available in breast milk which will help to strengthen the bones of the newborn. However, many other vitamins and nutrients are also available in breast milk.
Read Also: Breast Milk vs Formula Milk