8 Easy Ways to Get Your 5 A Day

 8 Easy Ways to Get Your 5 A Day

8 Easy Ways to Get Your 5 A Day: How are 5-a-day portions measured? Get the guide on how to calculate 5 daily meals. We know 5-a-day portions are important, but we know; that not everyone can tell the difference between fruit and vegetables. The following simple guide is intended to help you keep fit easily. This is especially because the recommended amount is eight meals a week.

What is a ‘5 A Day’ portion size?

5 A Day is a collection of national efforts in developed countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany that encourage people to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. The World Health Organization recommended that people eat at least 400 g of fresh fruit in the morning.

8 Simple ways to get your 5 A Day

Here are the 8 easy ways to get your 5-a-day.

  1. Start your day with fruit
  2. Try a ‘Grate Vegetables’ Idea
  3. Get creative with pizza
  4. Bake with fruits and vegetables
  5. Up the veggie Quotient at dinner
  6. Stuff on an omelette with veggies
  7. When You Eat Out, Order More Vegetables and Fruits
  8. Stock your Fridge with Raw Veggies and Fruits

Start Your day with fruit

Make a habit of drinking juice or complementing your traditional Indian breakfast with naturally sweet sliced or dried fruit.

Try a ‘Grate’ Vegetables Idea

Chop or shred vegetables such as spinach or carrots. Add to your curry or any dish that you might cook. Loads upon nutritive highs.

Get creative with pizza

Make it deluxe with vegetable toppings: broccoli florets, carrot shreds, chopped spinach, capsicum strips, chopped tomato or any other veggie.

Bake with Fruits and Vegetables

Use pureed fruit apples, prunes, bananas, and peaches in place of about half the fat in recipes for baked goods. For flavour and texture, blend in shredded carrots or dried fruits.

Up the Veggie Quotient at Dinner

Make a quick stirfry. Combine just about any vegetable with pasta, or rice or add them to the soup. These are great ways to use up fresh vegetables before they get spoiled.

Stuff an Omelette with Veggies

Create a hearty meal with crisp, tasty vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, capsicum, tomatoes, or onions.

When you eat out, order more vegetables and fruits

Choose a vegetable appetizer or soup. Order a salad or side dish of veggies or legumes with a meal, or have fruit for dessert.

Stock your fridge with raw veggies and fruits

They’re nature’s fast food leaned, fresh and ready to eat.

Also Read: How To Improve Your Diet In 4 Easy Ways

Priya Singh


Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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