Where do Common Household Germs Lurk?

 Where do Common Household Germs Lurk?

In an effort to keep the household spotlessly clean and household germ-free, we spend many laborious hours wiping and mopping with various household cleaning products. We normally concentrate our cleaning energies on the obvious culprits, like counters and toilets, but forget other important spots that harbor potentially dangerous common germs.

This article outlines some common areas in the home that harbor the most germs and bacteria, according to experts.

Sponges and Cloths in the Kitchen

The primary concern with kitchen sponges and cloths is that they are used to clean up dirty dishes and thus become covered in food particles and common germs. These food particles are then left on the cloth overnight in a damp environment, which is conducive to the multiplication of germs. Furthermore, often kitchen cloths are used for a variety of functions, for example, to wipe counters, dry dishes, or clean splashes on walls. This only encourages the spread of a variety of common germs around your kitchen.

The easiest solution is to change your kitchen clothes regularly. If they look grey and tattered, throw them away. In between throws, and outs make sure that you wash cloths and sponges at least once every week. Place them in the dishwasher, throw them in the washing machine (warm wash) or microwave them for thirty seconds (make sure that the cloth is damp). Finally, designate certain clothes for certain activities to avoid cross-contamination of common household germs.

Cutting Boards

Most households use the same cutting boards to prepare any type of food, whether vegetables or raw meat. However, because raw meat carries common germs that can induce sickness (such as salmonella) it should only be prepared on a separate, designated cutting board.

It is vital that separate cutting boards are used for different foods and raw meat boards should always be sterilized with hot, soapy water or bleach. As soon as any cutting board becomes cracked throw it away, as damp cracks are the perfect harboring spot for common germs.

Computers, Mobiles, and Remote Controls

Any bacteria that is picked up by hands when petting animals, covering up a cough or touching food ends up on mobile phones and keyboards. Think about how many times you have picked up the remote with hands grimy with food or sneezed over your computer. Quite simply, the more you wash your hand the fewer common household germs will be transferred to these devices.

It’s also a good idea to use alcohol-based wipes to clean keyboards, mobiles, and remote controls. Avoid using antibacterial wipes all the time as this may result in the development of resistant strains of common germs.

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Prakhar Singh


A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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