Newborn Care Week

 Newborn Care Week

Now born care week is celebrated from 15th – 21st November. It is a global event that is held every year. Newborn care week is celebrated to raise awareness about newborn babies’ proper health and care. Some new parents do not know much about parenting. However, they lack in some areas of taking care of the baby. However, in newborn care week, parents are taught about all the essential measures and preventive steps for the infant child. Childbirth is a delicate movement in a person’s life, and parents can even feel unconscious while doing it for the first time. We need to prepare ourselves for all the situations faced after childbirth. This article will provide information regarding newborn care week, its history, theme, significance, health problems, etc. 

Significance Of New Born Care Week

A newborn care week is an international event celebrated every year. The main aim of the celebration of infant care week is to raise awareness about the importance of taking proper care f the newborn. Babies are likely to be the most delicate, and it is necessary to have good protection for them. Some children get savior issue and disease right after childbirth, and some even face infection that causes breathing problems. The government is playing an important role and organizing various campaigns to motivate more and more people to contribute to this resolution to gain knowledge about baby care. 

The Theme Of Newborn Care Week 2022

The theme of the newborn care week is “ safety, quality and nurturing care – Every newborn’s birthright”. The theme defines that we must take proper care to save the child from unusual deaths. With the help of better and more developed ways, we can give a long life to our newborn. It is believed that 28 days after childbirth are considered very crucial. Newborn is considerably weak and likely to get infected with various infections, possibly leading to death. However, we must take proper measures for the safety and well-being of our children. 

Possible Health Problems In Your Child

When the baby is immature, and their immunity is weak, specific problems arise in the development of child-like neonatal infection, respiratory diseases like difficulty breathing, lung damage and collapse of lungs and rapid breathing, etc. 

Symptoms Of What Your Baby Needs

  • Every baby has a different nature and needs, but some common symptoms occur early and could be very good for your baby’s life.
  • Excessive crying- crying is very common in every newborn baby. Crying is a unique way to express their needs to you and what they want from you. If your baby cries a lot, it is because of disease or discomfort.
  • Irritation- If the color of a newborn baby changes after little crying. It is because of any pain, bacterial infection, and itchiness because of diapers, etc.
  • Skin rashes and redness –  If your newborn has any redness and irritation. It occurs because of heat. 

How To Take Care Of The Newborn In The Winter Season?

We all know that 80% of the population suffering from cold and cough during winter because of the wrong air quality index, so there are some tips on which you should take care of your ward in the winter season 

  • Use heaters carefully– If you become a new mother, it is essential to know that you should use oil-based heaters instead of electric heaters. Also, be careful while placing that heater. Could you not put it near to y our ward? It can irritate the skin of the newborn baby and causes redness 
  • Transparent environment – You should clean your environment and be maximally free of dust. You can avoid soft toys because they collect dust very fast 
  • Crowded places – Every place is very new for newborn babies, so it is essential to avoid overcrowded places while you are going outside 
  • Continue breastfeeding – Breastfeeding is perfect for your ward if you and your child are contagious. If a mother is suffering from any infectious disease like a cold, cough, etc., she should maintain hygiene,n like washing her hands before breastfeeding.


Becoming a mother is the best feeling in the world, but it comes with greater responsibility for a newborn. In this article, we will discuss each detail that is essential to know for every mother. The main celebration of infant care week is to raise awareness about the importance of properly caring for the newborn. 


1. It is safe to put a cap on new born child’s head while sleeping? 

Ans: No, don’t ever cover the head of the newborn baby while sleeping as it can cause overheating.  

2. Which oil is good for baby massage? 

Ans: Olive oil and coconut oil is best for newborn child massage.

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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