Periodontal Disease Treatments

 Periodontal Disease Treatments

If you are not taking care of your teeth properly, chances are, you are at risk of having periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a result from bacteria and plaque buildup in the teeth due to a lack of proper care and good oral hygiene.

Plaque, if not removed through brushing and constant flossing, will lead to tartar and bacteria buildup, which are the two main causes of periodontal diseases.

The two types of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease can be classified into two. They are:

  1. Gingivitis – Gingivitis is a condition wherein gums become swollen, bleed, and sore. This is a milder type of periodontal disease.
  2. Periodontitis – Periodontitis requires urgent attention from the dentist. Inflammation on gums and teeth spreads deeper, targeting the bone and tissues that hold the tooth in place. When periodontitis is not treated immediately, it will lead to serious infection, pain, loss of teeth, and discomfort.

Prevention is always the key

The best way to keep periodontal and other gum diseases at bay would be to take the necessary steps to prevent them from happening in the first place. Prevention starts from home—and good oral hygiene is always necessary to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily can help fight plaque buildup and bacteria from forming inside the mouth. Visit your dentist on a monthly basis as it is always the best way to check the health of your teeth, and take necessary measures whenever needed. The earlier, the better—you want to make sure that your teeth are always in its good condition in order to prevent periodontal diseases.

I have periodontal disease – so what now?

You have a choice between scaling or oral surgery—there are two procedures that dentists do in order to fight periodontal disease.

Scaling involves the removal of tartar and plaque in your teeth by scraping them off using special equipment. The goal is to remove all the bacteria that allow infection and inflammation to happen inside your mouth and around the teeth. In addition, scaling also requires you to take oral medication in the form of mouthiness, gels, and even pills, depending on your condition.

Oral surgery involves pocket reduction. A pocket reduction is required if your gums have pulled away from your teeth. Bone grafts and tissue surgery is also common techniques for oral surgery, and these methods are used depending on the impact of periodontitis infecting your gums and teeth.

Read Also: Brush Your Teeth to Prevent Dementia

In conclusion.

Periodontal diseases or gum diseases can always be prevented by practising good oral hygiene. However, the lack of proper oral care and hygiene may lead to periodontitis and gingivitis. Modern methods and techniques are used in treating these oral diseases. Be sure to consult your dentist, periodontist, or oral surgeon for more information regarding periodontal diseases.

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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