Periods: What Is It? Causes, Symptoms, Problems and Cure

 Periods: What Is It? Causes, Symptoms, Problems and Cure

Menstruation or periods is a natural process occurring in women. The start of periods or menstruation cycle means that a woman’s body has started gaining the ability to conceive. What is periods? Why does it happen? When does it start? Like there are many questions whose answers are very important to know.

What is periods?

As per doctors, the birth of periods means the onset of puberty. This means the development of the reproductive organs of children starts. During this, hair comes in many parts of the children’s bodies. In this stage, sperm starts forming in the testis of boys and periods start in girls, due to which they become ready for pregnancy. Bleeding forms in the uterus and comes out through the vagina of a woman during periods.

Why do periods happen?

The expert explains, When a girl enters puberty, there are many hormonal changes occur in the girl’s body and also periods start. Hormonal influences induce the ovaries to start producing eggs when a woman reaches puberty. The uterus develops a lining consisting of blood and mucus each month. This layer is crucial for the development and nourishment of the embryo when the egg produced from the woman’s ovary interacts with the male partner’s semen.

The egg exits the woman’s vagina when it is not fertilised, carrying blood and mucus with it. The woman starts bleeding as a result. We name this bleeding the Periods or simply menstruation.

What to do if there is more bleeding than normal during periods or if periods last longer?

A healthy period often lasts between five and seven days. If there is severe bleeding or if the period lasts longer than seven days, then it may a disease. Atiraj or menorrhagia are the names by which we refer to this illness.

The primary causes of menorrhagia include uterine or ovarian disease, hormonal imbalance, any blood-related condition, etc.

According to an expert, if a woman has any of these issues, she should visit an expert gynaecologist. In absence of proper treatment, it could result in complications during pregnancy.

What is irregular periods and what should be done when it occurs?

There are several reasons for irregular periods, including not having a period for two months, having a menstrual cycle that is less than 21 days in length, bleeding excessively, having periods cease for a month, and changing the cycle frequently.

Consult an expert gynaecologist if your periods become erratic.

What to do if there is no periods?

If a female is older than 15 or 16 years old and whose periods are absent, irregular, or have ceased arriving altogether then it may be Amenorrhea, a disease. This may lead to a major issue. There is no need to concern if a woman’s menopause has begun and then stopped for some time. But if they continue even after a female has reached adulthood, then it may be a sign of major issues and can cause problems in pregnancy later.

Hormonal imbalance, low blood flow, and frailty of the reproductive system’s organs are the main causes of this issue. But quite often, an illness in the reproductive organ might also be seen as the cause of this issue.

Periods entirely ceasing could be a symptom of PCOD condition. Small sacs develop on the surface of the ovary as a result of this hormonal condition, which prevents the ovary from producing eggs and prevents occurring periods. Women who have PCOD problems, experience irregular periods and hair growth on the face and other parts of the body.

However, there are treatments for PCOD and it can be treated under a special type of surgery. If it is not treated at the right time, it can become a hindrance in pregnancy.

That’s why you must get the test done if the periods are irregular.

Also Read: Missed Period: Why is my period late? Reasons, Causes, and What to do

What to do if there is severe pain during periods?

It is common to have mild pain during periods, but sometimes females may feel severe pain that they cannot even walk properly. Too much pain during menstruation is called Dysmenorrhea.

The doctor says, “Dysmenorrhea can also be caused by a dangerous disease like ‘Endometriosis’. Therefore, if you have severe pain during periods, then you should get it checked and find out the exact reason and get treated.

Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus.

What is menopause

Menopause is a condition in a woman when the periods stop permanently. It usually happens when a woman reaches the age of 45 to 55, the ovaries stop making eggs and the lining consisting of blood and mucus of the uterus also stops, so menstruation does not happen. A woman experiences more heat during menopause, the problem of hair loss can be seen, dryness starts coming into the vagina and apart from this, many other changes start happening in the body.


Women need to have periods. If a woman has any problem related to periods, then she should immediately consult a Gynecologist and get her checked.


This blog has been written for general information. If you are suffering from any disease, please consult a doctor and take a decision only on the basis of the doctor’s suggestions.

Read Also: Menstrual Hygiene & Intimate Wash during Periods

Priya Singh

Priya writes about women's health and yoga & meditation and loves exploring different places and clicking on natural landscapes when she is not working. She has been in the industry for over five years and has worked with different insurance companies and health startups.

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