Fitness Tips: 7 Water Rich Fruits Help You To Stay Hydrated

 Fitness Tips: 7 Water Rich Fruits Help You To Stay Hydrated

Fitness Tips:  Whether your fitness goal is losing weight, improving your digestive system, regulating body temperature or enhancing overall health, a nutrition plan can not be complete without appropriate water intake. That is why doctors recommend having at least 7-8 glasses of water a day. However, studies have shown that we can not stay hydrated by just drinking water.

7 High Water Content Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated

Eating fruits and vegetables high in water content is equally important to fulfil our body`s fluid requirements. Here follows the list of certain fruits that will help you to stay hydrated in addition to providing all the essential nutrients required by the body:

  1. Watermelon
  2. Strawberry
  3. Cantaloupe
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Blueberries
  6. Apple
  7. Banana


Packed with minerals and vitamins, juicy watermelon is one of the healthiest fruit. Low in calories and fat-free, this fruit is a great source of water. As watermelon is comprised of 92% water and 8% sugar, it makes an ideal choice on a typical summer day.


Strawberries not only contain a high amount of fibre but also store a great amount of water. Due to their high water content, these juicy heart-shaped delights are used in the prevention and treatment of constipation. Apart from that, strawberries are nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidant properties that help boost immunity and promote eye health.


Cantaloupe is another great option that provides a big nutritional payoff for a few calories. Since it contains a large amount of water, it helps to stay hydrated even at high temperatures. Although it is not a rich source of nutrients, it makes an ideal choice for those who are on a weight loss regime.


Citrus fruits are the most cooling of all fruits. To name one, grapefruit comprises 90% water, which makes it one of the most popular citrus fruits to hydrate in high temperatures. Apart from this, grapefruit helps in losing weight, prevents arthritis, lowers cholesterol levels and treats common ailments.

Also Read: Water – A Cure For Many Health Problems


Apart from containing high water content, blueberries also make one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits in the world. This blue-coloured fruit is rich in fibre that helps to keep cholesterol levels in check, which in turn keeps our heart healthy. Also, it is a rich source of Vitamin C which contributes to healthy gum, the formation of collagen and a vibrant immune system.


The old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away may sound silly to you, but you might be surprised to know that Apple has numerous health benefits. Along with fulfilling our body’s fluid requirement, apples have been shown to reduce intestinal disorders and possibly some types of cancers. Also, it lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of kidney stones.


Nearly every kid’s favorite fruit, the banana is the storehouse of essential nutrients. Though its water content is just 74%, it makes one of the most versatile fruits that have surprising health benefits.

Manish Singh

Manish Singh is a digital marketer by profession and have worked in health industry for more than 5 years. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a certified naturopathist, a yoga and meditation practitioner since a long time.

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