World Aids Day

 World Aids Day

World aids day is celebrated on 1st December. It is a global event held every year all over the world. This day is celebrated in remembrance of all those people who have been suffering from AIDS and even lost their lives. AIDS / HIV is one of the leading contingent diseases seen among people. The people living with HIV or AIDS have suffered from continuous negligence and inequality. However, it is necessary to support and sand with all those people. We must stand together and fight for their rights and equal societal position. There are various reasons which are downfallen in the idea of ending AIDS. People do not prefer having any such contact with the AIDS patient. Several campaigns organized by multiple organizations motivate and educate people about how to support the person living with AIDS. We can take various actions through social media platforms and rallies to stand with HIV patients. It is necessary to educate more and more people so that no one has to face any inequality.

History of World AIDS Day

World AIDS day was formed in 1988. It is a global event, and this revolution later spread worldwide. It is an important day through which we can apply a message of support for all people who have HIV and facing various problems. It is high time to stand in support of these people. Multiple people have lost their lives due to a lack of knowledge. So, the world needs to raise awareness and stand with all AIDS patients. 

The idea of world AIDS day was initiated in the U.S. through broadcasting by journalist James Bunn. Later WHO ( world health organization) stood for people’s rights. Right from 1988 till now, world aids day is celebrated as a global event, and the whole world has contributed to this occasion. Every year various camps are set up to testify and help all those with any symptoms of aids and actual patients of HIV. The treatments for AIDS are comparatively costly, so the government came into action and allowed people to overcome this issue. We should remember all those people who have died while suffering from AIDS.

The Theme Of World AIDS Day 2022

The theme of world AIDS day 2022 was “ Equalize. ” The reason behind this theme is that due to HIV, various people face inequality, eventually leading to discrimination. Everyone must treat equally. It is a god given disease, so we cannot harm anyone’s feelings due to our thoughts, and we need to end AIDS and the inequality happening with people. We need to normalize and take appropriate action to support the people. People wear a red ribbon with themselves to show their support for the AIDS patient and stand for their support.

Year  Theme 
1989 Youth
1990 Women and AIDS
1991 Sharing the challenge
1992 Community Commitment
1993 Time to act
1994 AIDS and the family
1995 Shared rights, shared responsibilities
1996 One world. One hope
1997 Children living in the world with AIDS
1998 Force for change 
1999 Listen, learn, live
2000 AIDS: men make a difference
2001 I care. Do you
2022 Stigma and discrimination
2003 Stigma and discrimination
2004 Women, girls, HIV and AIDS
2005 Stop AIDS. Keep the promise
2006 Stop AIDS. Keep the pledge – accountability 
2007 Stop AIDS – keep the promise – leadership 
2008 Stop AIDS –  keep the promise – lead – empower – deliver
2009 Universal access and human rights
2010 Universal access and human rights
2011 Getting to zero
2012 Together we will end AIDS
2013 Zero discrimination
2014 Close the gap
2015 On the fast track to ending AIDS
2016 Hands up for # HIVprevention
2017 My health, my rights
2018 Know your status
2019 Communities make the difference
2020 Global solidarity shared responsibility
2021 End inequality. End AIDS. End pandemics.
2022 Equalize 

Timelines Of World AIDS Day

Year  Schedule
1920 This year experiences, HIV for the first time in a human worldwide. Before the research on HIV, it was found in chimpanzees which is pretty rare to be found inside human blood.
1981 This year, various researchers came together, and the U.S. center for diseases control and prevention department worked on this. Later it was found that it is a contingent disease to be prevented. 
1986 This year, HIV came forward as a pandemic and affected around 1 million people in America. After that, people took preventive measures, and many lost their life.
1987 This year, tested various medications on patients, and after a long work, a k AZT ( zidovudine ) drug was formed to treat all people with AIDS.
2013 This year, around ¼ of the people, have succeeded through medication. However, no one has faced the virus again inside their body.  

How To Observe World AIDS Day?

We must stand for our rights and support people living with HIV. With the help of the below-given things, we can observe world AIDS day:

  1. Giving charity to AIDS patients: Undoubtedly, people living with HIV have to face various problems in their life, whether financial or sosocialWe can donate to income campaigns and organization that works for the welfare of AIDS patient. Funds of millions are collected to help HIV patients.
  2. Wear a red ribbon: The red stripe symbolizes that you’re supporting people with AIDS. You can wear a red ribbon on the world AIDS to signify that you’re also standing with the supporters who want to end AIDS.
  3. Attend a candlelight vigil: Various countries organize candlelight vigils to support the victims and remember those who have lost their lives. Many families who have lost their family members due to AIDS also gather there for the peace of the demise. It is one of the most beautiful ways to show our support for the AIDS patient.

Facts About World AIDS Day

Some of the facts about world AIDS day are given below:

  1. There are no such clear and specific symptoms of HIV, as it is possible for some people not to feel the same symptoms. 
  2. AIDS has been transmitted from chimpanzees. Later it was discovered that the infection could also harm humans, and millions o,f people are affected by this virus.
  3. It is possible that the person doesn’t even know about HIV. They typically live without any issues and don’t even know they are suffering from a virus.  


AIDS is one of the leading and most seen diseases among people. Whether we are part of this revolution or not, it is necessary to stand with all those people. However, with the help of world AIDS day, we can motivate more and more people in one go. And at the same time, we can show our support to all people living with AIDS. We need to provide an equal position and status to all HIV patients as it is necessary. We can show offer contributions to world AIDS day and can also motivate others to stand with us.


1. Why do we celebrate world AIDS day?

Ans: World AIDS day is celebrated all over the world with the view of providing support to those who have been suffering from HIV. They have been facing lots of discrimination and inequality. However, with the help of world AIDS day, more and more people can come forward and talk about their experiences and help others.

2. When was world AIDS day declared?

Ans: World AIDS day was declared on 1 December 1998. Since then, it has been celebrated as a global event and a recognized occasion.

Prakhar Singh

A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.

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