Yoga Asanas: Different Types of Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

Importance of Yoga Asanas: The practice of asana develops steadiness and sloppiness. It increases mental concentration and enthusiasm. Happiness arises from smallness. The person feels well. In the Jabal and Shandilya Upanishads, the one who conquers asanas has been described as the conqueror of all the three worlds – ‘yenasanam vijitam jagatraya ten vijitam bhavati‘. Asana-siddhi or asana-victory is considered only when the seeker can sit comfortably and comfortably in one asana for more than three hours. The development of good qualities is necessary for the stability of posture. The inertia of the body and the Tama guna merge with the practice of asana. The restlessness of the mind vanishes. As a result, the age of the seeker begins to be conquered. Before proving the posture, it is necessary to purify the pulse through Pranayama. It is only through Nadi purification that one can remain stable in the asana for a long time. Asanas (Yoga poses) and Pranayama influence each other. Practice and stability of asana are essential for asana-siddhi. However, Maharishi Patanjali has accepted Asana and Pranayama as separate parts.
Benefits of Yoga Asanas
By doing asanas, the body becomes healthy, this is a secondary fact. The basic purpose of the asanas is stability, concentration and purity of the mind. This can be achieved only when the person practices the asanas regularly. Depicting the result of the asanas, Patanjali says – Tato dvandvanbhighatah. Due to asanas, one gets traumatized by the dualities of cold-heat, love-unlove etc. Asanas destroy Rajogun. Satvik qualities develop. The path of spiritual practice becomes clear only by the development of Sattvic qualities. The person attains perfection. The practice of asana not only improves one’s physical, mental and emotional health, but one of the important achievements it brings is spiritual health. The concentration of the mind increases only with the stability of the body. Only the concentration of the mind opens the doors of spirituality, due to which the person is situated in his own form. The categories of Asana-Pranayama are presented from the point of view of Preksha Sadhana.
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Types of Yoga Asanas
Asanas are made from different shapes of the body. These shapes are recognized from the anatomy and sizes of the organisms. That’s why 84 lakh postures are made according to the body condition of 84 lakh living beings. Many lives are needed for the practice and meditation of these asanas. Not all have important use from the point of view of spiritual practice. How many asanas can a man practice in this short life? Out of 84 lakh asanas, only 84 asanas have been enshrined in the Gherand Samhita, out of which only 32 asanas are considered to be virtuous.
Swatmaram ji, the disciple of Shri Gorakhnath felt even more comfortable than this. He has discussed eleven asanas in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Four asanas have been mentioned in some traditions. In some places, only two asanas, Siddhasana and Kamalasana, have been prescribed. In the end, demonstrating the glory of the asanas, it was said that only one Siddhasana is sufficient. There is no other asana as important as Siddhasana.
Beyond this, in Yogkundalyu Upanishad, it has even been said that one who does not know Siddhasan, Padmasan, Shatchakra, sixteen bases, three goals and five skies which are present in the body, how can he be liberated?
Also Read: Scientific Importance of Yoga Asanas and Yogic Activities
Categories of Yoga Asanas
- Sleeping pose – Asanas are done while lying down.
- Sitting pose – Asanas to be done while sitting.
- Standing pose – Asanas are done while standing.
- Special Asanas
First, we need to perform the asanas by making the body steady and learning the method to restrain the body. It can be done in all three ways – lying down, sitting and standing. All these three types of asanas can be perfected.
Beginner Yoga Poses
It is useful from the point of view of physiology to start the asana first from the sleeping place so that the accomplishment of the asana can be achieved easily. In the beginning, the child performs activities while lying down, then sits and then stands up, and moves on in his journey of life. Therefore, the sequence of asanas has also been kept in the order of sleeping, sitting and standing positions.
Sleeping Yoga Poses
The details of the select asanas have been given here. The sleeping postures are selected by targeting the organs which are affected while lying down. Sleeping asanas are done lying on the back and stomach and chest, they are as follows-
- Shayanasana (Relaxing pose)
- Uttanapadasana (Raised leg pose)
- Pawanmuktasana (Gas release pose)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder pose)
- Halasana (Plough pose)
- Karna Pidasana (Ear pressure pose)
- Matsyasana (Fish pose)
- Makarasana (Crocodile pose)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra posture)
- Shalabhasana (Locust pose)
- Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
- Hridaystambhasan
- Boat posture (Naukasan)
Sitting Yoga Poses
Those asanas which can be done while sitting are called sitting yoga poses. Practioner can do this asana by spreading a clean cloth on a small space and sitting on it.
- Sukhasana (Easy pose)
- Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose)
- Padmasana (Lotus pose)
- Yoga Mudra
- Baddha Padmasana (Locked lotus pose)
- Utthita Padmasana (Scale lotus pose)
- Utkatasana (Chair pose)
- Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)
- Gaumukhasana (Cow face pose)
- Janushirasana (Head to knee Pose)
- Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend pose)
- Ardhamatsyendrasana (Half fist pose)
- Ustrasana (Camel pose)
- Simhasan (Lion pose)
- Brahmacharyasana (Celibate’s Position)
- Siddhasana (accomplished pose)
- Hansasan (Swan pose)
- Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose, or Rooster Posture)
Standing Position
Those asanas which can be done while standing are called standing yoga poses. Practioner can do this asana by standing on a clean cloth or seat in a small space.
- Sampadasana
- Tadasana (Palm tree posture)
- Ishtvandanasana
- Trikonasana (Triangle posture)
- Madhyapadashirasana
- Mahavirasana
- Hastisundikasana
- konasana (Angle pose)
- Garudasana (Eagle pose)
- Padahastasana
Special Yoga Poses
- Shirshasan (Yoga Headstand)
- semi-conch shell wash
- Mayurasana (Peacock pose)
- Wheel posture (Chakrasana)
- Uddiyanasana
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