Happiness is the key to all the successful events that happen in our life, as it is related to career, physical or mental health, etc. For example, in The kapil sharma show which is a Read More
Expert-driven content to guide your healthy lifestyle journey. Find the materials, inspiration, motivation, and the resources you need to live a healthy life.
A community is defined as a group of people living in a particular geographical place or area, for example living in a large society. Social connections are defined as the relationship you have with the Read More
In recent times, everybody is busy with their work due to too much pressure in this running life. Every individual at their recent age, struggling too much. Like kids in government and private schools have Read More
Water and its amount on Earth and our body: Water is the essential element on the Earth as the air which is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula H2O (dihydrogen oxide) which covers 71 Read More
Intentional Living: In recent time generation, competition is higher and growing day by day in every field such as education, jobs, dancing, singing, games, etc. which is harder to compete. As India is the first Read More
Definition of digital minimalism: Digital minimalism is defined as the way of minimal usage of apps, eliminating those apps which are not in use or used excessively in your life. It shows how you are Read More
Definition of minimalist home: Creating a minimalist home is the art of designing elements by making great efforts to obtain a simple, practical home to convey the message of simplicity. Decluttering meaning: Decluttering is defined Read More
Minimalism and decluttering trend: Minimalism or decluttering trend starts in the late 1950s by the artist Frank Stella whose black paintings were exhibited at the Museum of New York in 1959, which described the minimalism trend, Read More
What is sustainable living? Sustainable living is defined as the pattern of your living, i.e. your lifestyle with defining how it is reducing the usage of natural resources by the human beings on Earth. Read More
Relieve Stress: In today’s era, most of people suffer from mental stress. Stress on the mind is a result of our thoughts. Positive thoughts and positive life can tame stress. Main causes of mental Read More
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